Chapter 6 - Elizabeth

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Here you guys go. This will probably be the last chapter I write for about a week because I'm going somewhere with my band. HINT: WATCH THE ROSE PARADE. WE'RE #17.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. It changes POV a few times and I'm sorry about that. It was supposed to only be in Elizabeth's POV but I just had to switch to make it easier for writing purposes and because I think it made the chapter better. Ok, leave a comment. I'm hoping you'll have a lot to say after the ending ;)

Chapter 6


Elizabeth had been locked in her room for two weeks. She had barely eaten a thing and she had lost nearly fifteen pounds, starving both her and her wolf. To say the least she was suffering. She didn’t know not having her mate around would put such an impact on her body and her wolf. If she was like this any longer then she knew something she wasn’t able to control would happen.

“My parents are going out, Elizabeth.” Travis said, sitting down on her bed. The room was dark and only the moonlight that filtered through her window gave her light to see. Travis had been guarding her door ever since the incident, only leaving to go eat. Even when he was gone, Ethan was there to take his place. Travis was so sure that the Alpha would do something to get her back and he was going to make sure she stayed where she was.

“Do you want something to eat?” Travis questioned, gently running his hand up and down Elizabeth’s arm. She remained silent, not daring to speak a word. Elizabeth didn’t trust her voice just yet. Since she had run home crying she had barely uttered a word. She was afraid of what would come out of her mouth.

Travis gently pulled Elizabeth out of bed, holding her bridal style. She was so thin in her arms, almost like she hadn’t eaten in months instead of days. She was too small for her size, something that worried Travis more than anything. He didn’t want her to starve herself just because of what the pathetic Alpha had done. He wanted her to see that there were other people in her life that mattered more than he did.

“I’m taking you for a shower.” Travis sighed, quietly walking from her room and into the bathroom. As he slowly helped her out of her clothes Elizabeth kept a blank face on. She was far from caring if he saw her naked. Elizabeth didn’t feel anything anymore, not even embarrassment. Instead she let him stare at her for a moment before he turned on the warm water and helped her in.

The warm jets didn’t wake Elizabeth from her trance and Travis sighed, leaving the bathroom before coming back in just swim trunks. He was sure to lock the bathroom door before stepping into the shower, using his gentle hands to lather her hair with shampoo. Travis massaged her scalp, making sure he wasn’t hurting her. Because of her frail state Travis had been sure to be cautious around her. He knew she was at her weakest after everything she had been through and he was going to be sure not to make it any worse than it already was.

“He doesn’t want me.” Elizabeth whispered, her voice so faint Travis almost didn’t hear it. She turned around, looking up at him with wide, sad eyes. She felt as if she were being broken all over again. Everything inside her hurt and her tears were coming fast. Her emotions weren’t in check again and Elizabeth didn’t like it.

“He may not, but I do.” Travis promised, carefully hugging her to his chest. Elizabeth let her tears fall, thankful they were in the shower so he couldn’t see them. Her body shook against him and Travis held her tightly, turning off the shower and stepping out of the shower. He wrapped her in a towel, gently picking her up again and heading toward his own room. Placing her on his bed he left for a few moments before coming back with one of his hoodies and baggy pants.

Elizabeth slipped into them, desperately trying to stop the tears from running down her face. She was so tired of crying. It made her feel weak. She felt like Travis was annoyed by her sadness. She didn’t think that was true but it was just how she felt. She just wanted someone to love her back and if it wasn’t her mate then why couldn’t she be sad?

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