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This is the first chapter of The Pure Blood Prince. I'm sorry for the delay on this but it's out now. I'm working on posting it as a new story so that'll be out soon. I really hope you like the sneak peak.

The Pure Blood Prince

Chapter 1


Adam limped toward the car, trying to keep his weight off his right prosthetic leg. His wooden cane clicked against the side walk and Adam gripped his military, parachute bag tighter. Ever since he had gotten back to Vermont he had been feeling uneasy. He wasn’t in a very good condition and he felt weak and exposed in the unfamiliar environment. It wasn’t so unfamiliar that Adam didn’t know where he was but just enough so for him to forget what went where.

“Alpha Prince Adam Thomas, it’s good to see you. Your father has arranged for me to bring you home.” A man said as he stepped out of the car, extending a hand. Adam glanced at the hand, giving him a curt nod instead of shaking it. He waited as the man opened the passenger door before he shoved his stuff in, climbing in after it. Everything he needed was in the single bag, in the army he was taught to travel lightly.

Adam had originally joined the military when he was 17 years old. Just three years later he was shipped off to Afghanistan only to return a year later. A bullet had lodged itself in his right knee during a fire fight, damaging the knee beyond repair even for a wolf. Forced to have it amputated Adam was sent back home and assured he would never see battle again.

“You know where to go?” Adam questioned, staring out the window as the driver pulled away from the curb. He nodded, not saying another word. Adam sighed, relaxing into the seat and trying to keep himself calm. He had barely spoken a word to Hunter since he had been shipped off. Adam knew it was going to be awkward seeing him again, especially since even before he had left they rarely ever talked.

Adam’s mother had left him on the doorstep of the Pure Blood House when he was only a month old with nothing but a blanket, a note, and a picture of her. Hunter was not Adam’s real father, something his mother had told him in the note, but he was in fact his mother’s mate. She had been raped by Adam’s father, Alpha King Liam, and was unwilling to get rid of the baby before or after he was born. Instead she had left Adam where she knew he would be safe, on the doorstep of the Pure Blood House.

Adam was raised in the Pure Blood House and there was nowhere else he ever wanted to be. Though he hated seeing his father’s face every time he came out of his room, Adam learned to ignore him. His real father had never been around for him, instead using his time to focus on his daughter. Though it used to hurt Adam when he was young he had gotten over it; Hunter was a good enough father for him, he didn’t need anyone else.

“Your family will be grateful to see you.” The man driving chirped as he turned a corner. Adam looked out the window, watching the familiar scenery flash by. He was starting to remember where he was. He was starting to remember he was safe at home and not out somewhere dying on the battlefield. It was hard for him to come to terms with the idea but Adam hoped that he would soon convert back to his old way of life before he left.

Pulling out a photo from his pocket Adam smiled; it was the photo his mother had left with him when she left. It was a picture of herself, looking to be around sixteen or seventeen. Her wavy, black hair was tied up in a bun and her blue eyes were glowing. It had been torn off another picture and Hunter had always told Adam that it was originally a picture of the two of them together before she left.

Adam brought the picture everywhere with him, hoping that one day he’d find her. Adam wanted to meet his mother at least once in his life, wishing to know why she had left him and her mate. But he knew he wouldn’t care for the reason, as long as he could meet her then he would be happy. It was his biggest dream and he hoped it would happen soon since he had gotten home so early.

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