Date gone wrong part 3

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JYP started calling out mark's name.Mark was able to hear him and he wondered what he wanted.He was scared at the same time,yet he didn't know what else to do

Mark came out of his room and called out."Hey JYP what's up?"Mark said."Do you mind if I speak to him privately?"JYP said as he whispered to his friend Manuel."I don't mind at all"Manuel said.

JYP headed towards mark and spoke to him privately.JYP ended grabbing mark's shoulder and pulled him over to the pint where Manuel couldn't hear a thing.JYP began to whisper to mark."Mark,do you mind if you do me a favor?"JYP asked.

"No,what is it?"Mark asked."What if someone told you someone,two or three times your age"JYP said as he was starting to give a clue to mark."Umm....I would think that would be a bit weird if someone did that,but it could be for some reason.....why?"Mark said.

"Do you mind go out with my friend?"JYP asked."Manuel?isn't he a bit too old for me?"Mark asked."I know,I know he is but he made a deal with me to turn the business into millions if he could have a date with you"JYP said.

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