Memories part 6

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The five of then started to talk about there memories.Like how happy they were before the got abducted.

They talked about there group bands,there friends and how the life was for them.But soon they all got depressed after talking about it.

"Hey bobby,I never knew how'd you got here?How did you?"E'dawn said.

"It all started on January,from this year......"Bobby said as he took a deep breath preparing to tell his story.

Bobby's telling P.O.V

It started on January,me and my friends were in the middle of a concert....until lights flickered out.....Everyone panicked wondering why this would happen.I don't know what happened.I couldn't see a thing,I couldn't see my friends.I got so scared that I panicked as well too.All of a sudden I felt a needle on my neck.An then....I blacked out.Then,the next thing you know I was in a truck laying down.Ready to become a sex slave.

"So that's how I got here,I can't remember that much of it,but I was scared"Bobby said.The other four got sad after hearing his story.They wanted to sob but they knew they couldn't do that.

"What about you,E'dawn you never told us how you got here"Bobby asked him.
E'dawn's telling P.O.V I guess its my turn now.Okay,it started a week after me and my friend debuted on October.There was a new bodyguard around.But all of a sudden I felt suspicious of him.I suspected him having secrets because....he would always go out on nights when we were all sleeping.I told my other members about it,but they didn't believe me.They told me it was stupid of me to think of that.So,maybe I thought it was at first.But then it wasn't.I was the only one to stay up late after all of my friends went to sleep.I was doing something....I don't remember but then all of a sudden the bodyguard appeared out of nowhere.He punched me,making me pass out.The next thing you know I'm in an old room.I appeared naked on the bed.Turns out that the bodyguard raped me while I was passed out.He wasn't supposed to do that,and later he got killed.

"So that's what I remember,what about you Suga?How did you get here?"E'dawn asked.

Suga's telling P.O.V

Okay....this is what I remember,it was on may.I was walking to our members house.It was at night.It felt fine at first until I felt being watched.I thought I was just going crazy.I thought I was paranoid.I thought it was all my really wasn't.I walked all feeling paranoid to the house or studio...I don't remember.All of a sudden I heard footsteps right behind me.I turned around and saw a buff guy who was way taller than me.He looked crazy and evil.I walked faster until I decided to run away from him.I ran as fast as I could.He ran after me.I tripped and fell.He got on top of me....telling me not to worry.He made me swallow a sleeping pill.And then I woke up here.

"So that's how I got here...I was close to the studio...if that's what I remember"Suga said.

"You,chanyeol?How'd you get here?"Bobby asked.

Chanyeol's telling P.O.V

Okay,imma try to remember...if I could,This happened around in august.I was home alone at night.Everyone got out just to have fun.They asked me if I wanted go with them.And I politely declined.So they decided to leave me alone in that big house we lived in.As soon as they walked out of the house I was crazy.I felt that someone was watching me from a far distance.Like Suga said,I thought it was all my imagination.Only that it wasn't.It was alright for the first hour but it got worse.I started hearing stuff inside the house.I remembered that one of the members locked the door.But then I remembered that we had a back door as well.I thought one of the members forgot something.So I'm like,"Oh maybe they forgot something" I said to myself.And for that I decided to turn off all the lights.I wanted to go to sleep that time since I had nothing to do.I was sleeping until I felt a hand over my mouth.I woke up and a saw a dark figure on top of me.The dark figure told me to be quiet.It then infected something in my neck I don't know what it was.But I was kidnapped.And so I woke up in this messed up place.

"And so that's how I got here,mark!What about you?I know you are new here,how'd you get here?"Chanyeol asked.

Mark remembered what happened to him hours ago.He didn't want to say anything but since they asked he had go say something.

Mark's telling P.O.V I woke up early today feeling good today.It was gonna be a good day for me and my friends.Turnes out that I was wrong.I woke early like any normal person would do.Me and my friend at something and watched TV.All of a sudden one of the members got a phone call from JYP.My friend said he sounded serious.So we went down the studio to see what was wrong.When we got there JYP told us we were going to mexico.Me and the other members got happy,to be honest....I never visited here.And so we did.We met up with JYP's friend.He seemed nice at first but I had this feeling that he couldn't be trusted.And then,JYP forced me to go on a date with him,for an exchange.The next thing you know,his friend abducted me and brought me here.I was locked in the room and a crazy guy showed up.He seemed drugged.The next thing you know I'm laying on the floor,naked with innocence was stolen by a crazy guy.

"That's tough.....we all been through that"Chanyeol said.


"So yeah....that's how I got here....and that's how all of you guys got here as well...right?"Mark asked."Yeah....."Bobby said.

E'dawn looked at the time.It was 11:00 pm."Its late already.....we should all go back to our rooms"E'dawn said.The five of then walked out of the cafeteria and went back to their rooms.They said there good nights to each other.

Mark went back to his room.He was locked up.He went to sleep and he wanted to forget all of this.But somehow he knew,maybe someday he was gonna get out of this place.

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