Not everyone is evil part 17

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Credit goes to -_ImmaSTAYBean_- bless this person for amazing ideas to this story
Trafficker's p.o.v

The human trafficker was left with many bruises on the face. The reason? He had the guts to tell the rich man to stop what he was doing and to just give the slaves a break. As he was being slapped many times the man just yelled at his face.

"HOW DARE YOU TELLING ME TO STOP!THIS IS MY BUSINESS I WILL RUN IT HOWEVER I WANT!" The rich man yelled. The rest of the human traffickers just stood there bury the door. Some were shocked, some were even afraid and some just didn't want to see what else was gonna happen to the trafficker. But all were forced to watch as the poor man was getting beaten by the boss. They even manage to see blood come out of the trafficker's nose. After the rich man finished with him he fixed his suit.

"I want you to stay out of the way of my business!Do you understand?" The rich man demanded as he got closer to the other's face. The man just didn't want to say anything as he was afraid of whatever was gonna come out of his mouth was gonna make matters worse. After the brutal beating the man fixed his suit and just walked out of the room as he pretended that nothing ever happened. As he left the other traffickers left with him as well. The trafficker just sighed, he wanted to tear up but he had to be strong. For him and his 6 year old son, Ryan. This could have been his last straw for the man but he swore to god if this rich guy attempted to do something stupid, he was gonna regret that he was ever born.

(Now I know this could be random but bare with it as I will be introducing this human trafficker to y'all for a reason. The man on top is the trafficker btw if u know who he is, feel free the comment)

Tanner Gonzalez is a 26 year old man who had a 6 year old named Ryan. If you're wondering if who could be the mother the truth is the mother left this kid with Tanner when he was just a newborn he never knew the reason why but he knew he had to take care of his son. Tanner never had the best of luck with jobs so he would always jump around job to job so that he can have enough money to support him and his son. But he was never lucky to have a job for such a long time. Until he managed to get one, human trafficking. His job was to sell slaves and to rape them at the same time. He didn't want to but he had no choice. Every time he would do horrific actions to the slaves he would always feel terrible as he just wanted to quit but he couldn't. As years of him having that job he no longer had his son by his side. Obviously Tanner was gonna be afraid of what Ryan was gonna say or even do if he ever found out what his father was really doing. But luckily he had someone to take care of his son, his boyfriend. He told his boyfriend a huge lie saying his job was business travel, as he had no choice but to protect him from the truth.

Tanner loved both of them with all their heart and promised his baby boy and his lover to return back to them when he was done "traveling across the world".

But that promise was made 6 years ago as he never went back into contact with him again as the boss has prohibited him from making contact to outsiders. That made him feel guilty but he was able to send both of them money so that they can provide for himself. What made Tanner feel more guilty was that fact that he never got a chance to see Ryan's first actions. His first word, steps and etc. But this job paid well and he just couldn't find another job.

As Tanner was just standing there sighing and thinking why he ever made this choice he heard a shouting from the other rooms.

"TANNER!GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" He heard. Tanner just rolled his eyes and went stomping to the other room. Furious as first but his heart dropped when he entered into the room. The atmosphere was somehow different it gave him a unusual vibe, something told tanner that what ever this man was planning to do wasn't gonna be a good thing. Tanner slowly looked back at the rich man with anxious eyes.

"W-why did you call me?" Tanner asked nervously. "You'll see" the rich man with a small grin. Tanner soon saw the human traffickers dragging in Mark and Jason being bruised up, with blood coming out of every limb they had and even with black eyes. Tanner was shocked as how they would mistreat these people all over again.

"That little stunt you pulled back there isn't gonna be pulled again, do you understand?" The rich man whispered to his ear demonically. Tanner gulped as he was hoping that he didn't have to rape them as that was the last thing he would ever wanted to do to a person. "You know what to do" the rich man said as that made tanner flinch. Tanner gulped once more as he just couldn't take it anymore. He turned around to see the rich man having this serious look, now was the time to tell him how he really feels about all of this, or was it the perfect time?

"No! I'm not gonna keep on hurting people and raping them it's not who I am! I can't bare to mistreat someone who's the same as me! I'm not gonna rape them" Tanner yelled as he finally let his anger out. He was sick and tired of following this perverted man's rules. The rich man had a huge grin on his face, telling him that he just the biggest mistake.

"I knew you were gonna do that, but maybe this will change your mind" The rich man then gave a signal to the other traffickers. Tanner looked at the doorway and what happened next made his heart sink. It almost made him kill himself just by what he was witnessing. The traffickers brought in his son, Ryan. Ryan went to the rich man, as he kneeled down in front of the sweet innocent boy.

Tanner was on the verge of crying. "Please...don't hurt him...I-m begging you" Tanner said stuttering. The rich man just ignored what he said and began questioning the little boy. "Hello Ryan, by any chance do you know who this man right in front of me is?" He asked. But clearly the little boy had no clue of who this man was, as this made Tanner feel even more guiltier for not being there with him since he left. The rich man just chuckled as this was clearly gonna be the best idea he has ever had.

He slowly looked at Tanner and grabbed the little boy by the head at the same time.

"Don't touch him!" Tanner said as he got fierce. But that didn't stop the man from caressing the boy's face. The next words that came out of his mouth made Tanner go psycho.

"Fuck the slut or I'm doing your boy right here" The man said pushing the little boy into bed roughly. Tanner eyes widened and as soon as you know he almost charged at him.

"YOU BITCH!!" Tanner yelled wanting to kill the man, but the other traffickers pulled him back. Tanner was yelling and threatening him at the same, but mark and Jason manage to hear and see what was happening.

They can't violate a child!Their out of their mind!

Mark thought as his vision was turning more clear.

"YOU BETTER DO WHAT I SAY OR IM DOING YOUR BOY RIGHT HERE!!" The rich man said as he was suffocating the little boy by pushing his face into the bed. They heard the little boy crying and asking for help but they didn't care, they just wanted business done. Tanner stopped yelling and crying. His head was down as he felt defeated and horrible for what was gonna happen. He slowly approached mark first and hovered over him. Before Tanner could do anything to mark he whispered:

I'm sorry

Mark just had a blank stare at him as he was just sick and tired as much as he was. But mark or Jason couldn't do anything since they were both numb from all the pain they took.

Tanner then began grabbing Mark by the limbs and doing what he had to do to protect his son. The rich man just had an evil grin as he enjoyed watching people in pain and suffer. As Mark was being violated he had many thoughts running to his head. But one thought was that the man wasn't as evil as he thought he was, he's doing this for his son.

He's not a bad person after all...

Mark thought as he blacked out once more.

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