New person part 9

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Mark stopped looking at his back until someone opened the door to his bedroom.It was a buff scary guy who opened it.He threw jisung into the room."NOW STAY THERE!"The buff scary guy said slamming the door closed.

Jisung started to cry as he was being treated that way.Mark slowly walked over to jisung and comforted him."Don't worry its gonna be alright..."Mark said as he began to caress the young boy's hair.

As mark kneeled next to the young boy,jisung decided to put his head on his mark's knees.Jisung just kept on crying.

Its was minutes after jisung stopped crying.His ears were red,his face was red and his eyes were really red.His face was somehow showing regret and depression.Mark really felt bad for him as he also felt what jisung.

But there was this one thing about jisung.Mark never saw him before.Jisung wiped his tears off of his innocent face.He was breathing hard,but he was also taking deep breathes.The innocent boy just looked down at the dirty old floor,as he was wiping his tears off of his red face.

"You must be new here.I'm mark,you must be jisung right?"Mark asked.

"Y-yeah..."Jisung said.

Mark didnt say anything else.Neither did jisung.Mark hugged the innocent boy.

"Its okay,you can let all of your tears out..."Mark said quietly and softly.

Jisung was trying so hard not to.But he did anyway.Jisung coughed and cried at mark's shoulder.Mark wanted to cry too but he knew this wasn't a good time.

30 minutes later...

30 minutes have passed and jisung was still letting his tears out.Mark didnt stop or judge him because he felt the same way as him.At last,jisung wiped his tears off as he was done crying.

Of course,Mark's shoulder was a bit wet,but he didnt care.He cared about the innocent boy.

"I'm sorry if I wet your shoulder..."Jisung said very quietly."Its okay,I was like that too when I first came here"Mark said as he was trying to smile.

"Can I ask you something?"Jisung asked."Sure,what is it?"Mark said."Why did you tell them that it was your the one who called the police?"Jisung asked."Maybe its because I care about other people...I mean other people would have done that too,I guess"Mark said.

"I need to ask you something as well"Mark Said."Sure,what is it?"Jisung said."You look...too young to be here,how old are you?"Mark asked.

"I'm 14 years old,but I'll be turning 15 in February"Jisung said with no hesitation.Mark was very shocked.Jisung was 14,he was so far from being an adult yet so close.Mark didn't know that these people were pedophiles as well.I wonder if these people had children as slaves as well in the past.

Hmm...Probably,maybe but no one was so sure about that.

Mark stayed quiet for like about 30 seconds until Jisung spoke."So,mark...How did you wind up here?"

"A Latino guy put poison on my drink while I was on a date,he out me In the back of my truck and I wounded up here,what about you?"Mark said.

"Hmm...That weird I was never put in a truck,I signed a contract saying they'll pay me double,I needed the money for my family but I guess that was just a lie,but anyway someone drove me here"Jisung said.

"So when did you came here?"Mark asked."I came yesterday"Jisung said."Thats weird,how come I didn't see you?"Mark said."Well,I came when it was around night time,I'm guess everyone was asleep by then and I was kept in the basement for that day only"Jisung said.

"Basement?When I came here they never out me in the basement"Mark said."Well Manuel told me that I was so special that he kept me there.Apperantly the basement is where the 'Special desserts' go"Jisung said.

Mark almost wanted to throw up after he said that.

Special desserts??What are these people thinking!?!?

"Thats pretty gruesome...Not to be mean but,why did they let you out?"Mark asked.

"I dont know,I think they said that someone wanted to do something to me,thats all I overheard them saying..."Jisung said.

" 'they'...Who is they?"Mark asked.

"I dont know,all I saw was a couple of guys talking about me...I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get raped today,I'm scared...What if they do something else too me?"Jisung saying was a feared voice.

"They won't...I promise you that"Mark said.

"...O-okay..."Jisung saying nervously.

In reality mark didnt even know what was gonna happen to jisung.When mark was a newbie a crazy high guy raped him and the rich guy did as well.But mark wasnt sure what they were gonna do to him.

They did call him special dessert.I bet they're gonna do way more than rape.

Mark and jisung kept talking for hours.It was weird of how there was an old looking clock on the wall that worked perfectly.

He looked up at the clock and saw that it was just 8:00 pm.Both decided to get some sleep to get ready for more horrendous stuff tommorow.

"C'mon we should go to sleep now"Mark said as he got up from the floor.

"okay"Jisung said as he too got up from the floor.

Both had wobbly legs,since they were on the ground for a long time.Their feet feel asleep so they couldnt walk properly.

There was only one bed in the room.(Mark's room).Luckily,mark was willing to share it.He didnt feel like arguing over who gets the bed.Jisung didn't mind at all sharing the bed with him.

There was just too much happening and mark just wanted to forget all about it.

Mark and jisung were ready to lay down on the bed,Until all of a sudden mark felt a really back pain.He groaned as it really stinged.And then,he remember that it was from the whippings.

"Mark!Are you okay?"Jisung said."Yeah...I'm fine,its just about what happening earlier"Mark said."I'm sorry mark...If I had to put you through that..."Jisung said sadly.

"Its fine,just go to sleep and forgot all about that"Mark said.Jisung obeyed what mark said and slept.It didnt matter what way they both slept,they just wanted to forgot about all the things.

Until all of a sudden things changed for all the slaves...

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