Escape part 20

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Hello loves! Obviously you guys are wondering why I took long and it's because school has been an ass to me, getting home tired and not wanting to write because I'm too lazy, but I'm here now! I can't promise you guys I'll try to update my story more often cuz I'm also dealing with real life. But anyways, I wanna say we're almost finished with this book! Thank you guys for reading it, I can't say how many chapters this book will have but I wanna finish it as soon as I can, so anyways on with the story! Btw follow me on Lady Ymir🏳️‍🌈❤️ on Episode interactive. HAPPY THANKSGIVING 🦃🍁 EVERYONE! And idea credit to -_ImmaSTAYBean_- 💜

"So... what's the plan" Mark asked. Jason signaled everyone to come closer, and he began talking about the plan. He begins assigning positions to each one that can take in charge. As for the others they just have to be patient and see what's coming.

Some time later...

At this point, all of them are hiding and waiting. While Jason is wondering around the building to look out, Mark is secretly waiting for his signal to start. Once the two of them heard footsteps they knew what to do. Jason slowly took out a sharp shard out of his oufit.

He came out of hiding and got caught by one of the traffickers.

"Hey! What the hell are you doi-" The man got interrupted by a sharp pain on his stomach. He soon fell while blood was pouring out of the man.

"One down, still more to go" Jason said, before keeping an out. Meanwhile, many of the slaves were comforting Jisung.

"It's okay Jisung! We're gonna get out of here, just wait on Mark to send a signal" E'dawn said, hoping the plan would work out. Everytime Mark would hear a man gagging he would rush out, light a match and start a fire on the person's worthless body. Luckily the rich man, the boss wasn't alive now so he had more hope than he had before.

Jason was slowly walking, keeping a look out for every corner just in case someone wanted to jump in. He wasn't looking where he was going exactly,  when he suddenly bumped into something broad. He slowly looked up in the direction where he bumped into, there he saw a tall creepy guy staring at him with a grin.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The man said, Jason gulped and had widened his eyes. As he stepped back the man slowly moved forward. "What's the matter kitten? Cat got your tongue?" The man asked.  He wanted to say something but just couldn't find the words to say. "What's the matter? You don't have the fucking balls to stab me but you have the balls to kill him?! Yeah I saw you, don't think you were so sly on that" The man yelled while moving forward on him.

"Don't come closer!" Jason threatened while pointing the shard out to him. "You ain't gonna do shit" The man said. Before Jason could say or do anything, the man swung at him and hit him in his head. Jason fell down on the floor grunting. He got on top of him and started choking him. "I'll Kill ya!" The man said yelling. Jason felt as he was gonna pass out, he was running out of air and he could no longer feel anything.  But he was able to stay awake for a little longer.

He looked down and saw that the man had a gun with him. He grabbed it without him noticing it and without thinking he shot the man in the mouth. The man choked on his blood and soon died while his eyes were opened. Mark being so close by, overheard more gunshots in his way, and he soon knew it was his signal. He lit up more matches and placed them on the floor.


"I wonder how long it will take for them to finish" Suga said quietly as he looked down being upset at the whole situation. "We'll get out of here, I promise" E'dawn said.

"You promise?" Suga asked.

"I promised" And with that, E'dawn curled a little smile on him. With Suga having watery eyes he was able to form a genuine smile. He hugged him tightly as he just didn't wanna let go at the moment.

"I wish we never got into this situation" Suga responded. "We all wish we didn't get into this situation, but we'll get out of here soon, it's just the matter of time for Mark and Jason to finish what they've been planning to do" E'dawn responded.

"True, I just wish we were more care-" Suga stopped in the middle of his sentence, he looked around as he noticed something alarming. He sniffed for a couple of times and noticed the area getting warmer. That's when he realized something red lighting up outside the hallways. The building had flames, and soon the room filled up with smoke.

"We gotta go now!" Suga yelled. He rounded up all the slaves from some rooms while E'dawn got the rest of the others. Luckily the building was just starting to be put into flames but that didn't matter, what mattered is that they all got out of there safe. Suga grabbed Jisung's hand and led him and the rest of them out. Some got burn marks due the the fire spreading greatly. But they had to keep going.

Luckily, all of the slaves got out of there safely. But they were all waiting on Mark and Jason. Did they make it out alive? At this point the building was full of flames. Everything was starting to fall out.

"RUN!" Both Mark and Jason yelled out as they were running to the group. The slaves started running to a safe place, it was night time which meant no one was gonna be out to help them. Mark was running behind Jason when he heard an explosion behind him. He looked back to see the building explosion. He stared at it for a minute with pure hatred, and left. The group was up ahead running out of the abandoned area and onto the streets.

No one was out there to help them, until they saw a free pay phone. With their luck, Mark was managing to get up ahead of the group. Mark then started to dial in the numbers of one the members, to immediately get help.

"This... this is it! We're going home!" Mark thought to himself as he was shaking with anxiety and joy at the same time. As he was waiting for the other line to pick up...

He heard a gunshot in the distance.

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