Shattered Sanity part 25

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It's literally been like weeks since I updated a chapter and I'm so sorry my loves! I've been busy but I'm back on track! Hopefully you enjoy this chapter! Credit idea goes to -_ImmaSTAYBean_-

"Every time I get angry I feel like breaking a glass
In order to compare those tiny pieces with
my own shattered soul..."
- Zahyr

Mark couldn't believe, he was seeing again the man who destroyed his life. Did they really catch him? Was it really him? Or is this just hoax? It made Mark feel overwhelming, it was too much to take in. On one side it made Mark feel relieved that they caught him but on the other... it made Mark feel sick. He didn't want to face the man again, not after all he's done to him and Jason and the rest. He felt his eyes close heavily, to the point where he fainted due to the stress. The boys managed to catch him just in time and put him in a nearby sofa while Jason immediately turns off the tv off.

After a brief moment of calming Mark down, they settle in for some dinner. But mark wasn't having none of it, the only thing in his mind was that man that made him suffer for almost a year. He deserves to rot in hell after everything they've been through.

Next day
The next day, the members were all doing their normal business. Mark was still shivering from yesterday until one of them heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Jinyoung says. When he opened the door, a swarm of paparazzi and news media swarm the apartment. "What the hell!" Jinyoung yelled out. They crowded over Mark and saying stuff like:

"Mark over here!"

"Mark is it true you're involved with that man?"

"Mark what's does your disappearance have to do with that man?"

"Mark answer us!"

Mark felt anguished. He had no idea how they got in here or how they got past the security. But eventually they were all taken out by security.

"Are you okay Mark?" Jinyoung asked. Mark just sat there all confused but he was breathing hard. They media was one step closer about finding out the truth. What was he gonna tell the whole world now? He didn't wanna scare anyone, that's when the phone rang. "Hello?" Jinyoung answered. The phone call was a minute, but Mark recalled his face expression. Neutral, but also confused. He hung up the phone, "We have to go" he simply said. "Where do we have to go" Mark asked. "To the entertainment, JYP didn't specify on what for but he said he needed us there immediately" Jinyoung said. Mark somehow had a bad feeling about it, but maybe what JYP needed was something important.

They got to the entertainment. And there the boys saw a lot of police cars. "What's going on in there" Jackson asked. "I don't know..." Jinyoung replied. The boys were all pretty scared, Mark's legs felt like they were giving up on him. They entered and there they saw, the police seemingly asking JYP questions but about what? JYP looked over at the boys and signaled him into coming in. "What's going on here?" Jinyoung asked. "Boys this is officer lee min soo, he's from the police department" JYP was somehow anxious at that reply. "Pleasure to meet all of you, do you mind if I take Mark Tuan and Jason Lee with me? I need to ask them some questions in a private area" The officer shaked all of their hands. The group members all looked at Mark for approval, which Mark sighed and nodded yes to. Jason and Mark were seemingly the only ones that knew what was going on, and they both wished they said no to this.

They all go into a room, as they were seated down the officer began with the interrogation. "You May not know why you're here, but I'm about to explain why" The officer said. Mark shook his head. "Mark in your latest concert you claim that you've went on vacation during last year, but in some footage it shows that you've went on a boardwalk with a man that had to do something with human trafficking, as we can see in all the culprits records it's noted that they're known for kidnapping people all over the world for sex trafficking. Did you have something to do with that? Were you both victims of the sex trafficking industry that occurred?" The officer asked. Mark was sweating, he didn't exactly know what to say. He didn't want to say the truth knowing it was gonna get out into the world. "Where exactly have you been for the past year?" The officer interrogates. Mark begins to breath deeply, he was starting to tremble, "I... I... I can't talk about it..." Mark manages to spit it out. "Why can't you? Are you hiding something? Are you hiding the fact that you were involved in that incident? Huh? There's no time to waste, you need to tell the truth? WHERE EXACTLY HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST YEAR!? ANSWER ME!" The officer made it worse by screaming at him, Mark flinched and almost started having a panic attack.

Jason intervenes and is not happy about what just happened, "You need to chill the fuck out or else" Jason said in a very deadly way. The officer gave him a dirty look, "What are you gonna do about it squirt?". Jinyoung silently opens the door, the rest doesn't seem to know he walked in. Jason gave the officer a crazed look, one that no one, not even himself knew he had. "I killed one of their leaders, I can murder you in a second. You think I'm joking?" Jason said. The response immediately gave the officer a chill down his spine making him sit down without saying anything. "I think that's enough, it's obvious he can't talk about it right now. He'll call you when he's ready" Jinyoung walked up to them.

The officer was starting to say something about it, but Jason gave him a look which made him shut up. Mark was breathing deeply, and tears almost escaped his eyes. Jason grabbed Mark's arm gently which made him freak out a bit, "Easy there, it's just me" Jason reassured, which made Mark feel relaxed. They walked out of the room leaving the officer speechless. When they walked out, the members and JYP overheard everything. They wanted to ask what else happened, but they saw Mark's face. All uncomfortable, disgusted, upset. So they thought, right now is not the time. The boys walked out of JYP, the whole was just silent. Jason put his arms around Mark, "everything is okay" he whispered. Mark wanted to let it out so badly, but he knew it was just gonna make the situation worse. Just then a sweet voice called out for Jason.
It seemed that it was a trainee of JYP, coming to say hi to Jason. But Jason just awkwardly talked to him, and his face turned into a bright red color.

Jason also tended to hide his face during the conversation, this made the members all confused. Jinyoung somehow got the idea what was going on and secretly smirked. "Hey guys why don't we get food from near here, I heard that they sell good Gimbap" Jinyoung said. The boys all agreed since they were starving, "What do you say Mark? Wanna go get some food?" Jinyoung asked. Mark slowly nodded his head. They went to his nearest street food location, they got there and ordered Gimbap. Every one was eating fine except for Mark. He just couldn't seem to eat or at least touch his food.

The only thing in his mind was the way the officer interrogated him back there. He was worried. He wished he had never agreed to the officer for asking him questions.

But one day the world will know the truth, of what really happened...

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