The end part 30

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Oml guys we finally finished throughout the book, I'm really upset right now lol!  Please enjoy this final chapter of the book while it lasts 😭! I'll post a special chapter after this on! 🥳

"We could be heroes, me and you!"
-Alesso ft. Tove lo

Mark couldn't get out of his head the fact that the man was in prison for everything he's done for. The police also stated that they found the other human traffickers that were also included of the act. Mark couldn't be any more happier, but the thing that made him feel upset is that Jason wasn't here to celebrate the moment. It's been two weeks since Jason was put in the hospital and he hasn't woken up. Just then the phone rang and he answered. "Hello?" Mark asked. As the other line was speaking, the boys were wondering who was calling. Mark's eyes widened and he had a huge smile. A smile that hasn't been seen in a long time. "Thank you! We'll be there!" Mark said. "What's going on?" Jinyoung asked.

"It's the hospital! They say Jason has awoken!" Mark said. Jinyoung immediately grabbed the keys for the truck. And sped off into the streets to the hospital. When they got there they were extremely happy. Excited mostly. They asked if they can come to the room of Jason. When the boys reached Jason's room they all saw Jason sat up on the bed. He looked at each one of them with a smile. But his smile got more wider when he saw Mark. Mark started tearing up as he was full of joy with Jason.

"Jason! You're awake!" Mark cried. "I'm so glad to see you again!" Mark said. "I'm happy to see you too Mark!" Jason said. "Jason... we won..." Mark said. "We won?" Jason asked. "We went against the man guilty of all of this! We told them what happened and we won the case! The man is serving his jail sentence but he's put in Death row" Mark said. Jason's eyes widened and he too started crying with him. He gave mark and the rest of the boys big hugs. They don't remember when was the last time they were ever happy.

A year or so passed on a lot has changed. Mark ended up traveling the world to talk about his story. Although at first he wasn't used to sharing it, he became used to it. He told people to stay safe and to not trust anyone that they barely know. He became a huge inspiration for millions of people and he became more famous with that story. In the other hand, his relationship with JYP changed quite drastically. He did end up forgiving him, but he no longer trusts him much. Maybe one day JYP will be able to regain his trust again.

"Is everyone ready!" JB asked. "Ready!" Everyone screamed back. Jason was there with Mark to prepare for their concert. Jason ended up making his dream come true. He debuted under the group called Parasyte with their song Double knot. Jason ended up debuting with Daniel min lee. They counted down and after that they ran out to the front. The crowd was cheering and honestly, it was the first time that everyone felt comfortable and joy. "HEY EVERYBODY!" Mark yelled out into the mic. The crowd cheered more and got louder. "We're so excited to be here! I'm so glad I'm here again with you guys! Thank you guys for everything included the support you have give us! Tonight we have a special performance with the group known as Parasyte with their new song Double knot! We hope you enjoy this concert!" Mark said.

They ended up performing with the group. It was so memorable to know that everyone was happy. No more drama, no more issues. Although Mark still had some moments where he would panic out of nowhere due to his condition. And with Jason he was submitted as an outpatient, even though he worked hard enough to debut under a group, he was given the opportunity to perform his first concert just for this day. He was able to relax for once. Hours passed by and everyone was having their time of the lives. The concert was basically a celebration that Got7 was performing again and that Mark came back. That's when Jason took a break from singing and run up to Mark.

"You did it Mark! You're a hero! You've inspired everyone! You're an inspiration!" Jason said. Mark smiled at him gently and looked over at the crowd. Many colors were being shown, the loud cheers and their light sticks were shown. He looked at Jason one more time, "No buddy, I'm not hero, WE are heroes" Mark said as he put his arm around Jason's shoulder. Jason smiled very brightly and his eyes sparkled. Mark doesn't recall when was the last time he ever saw the expression on his face.

"R-really!?" Jason asked.

"Yep, we can be heroes, me and you" Mark said. Jason hugged Mark very tightly. Mark hugged him very tightly as well. And that's when the two groups got into a group hug. Jason ended up realizing that the person hugging his back was Daniel. His crush, his face ended up getting very red, Mark gave Jason a smirk but Jason laughed at it. They all bursted into laughter. With the crowd cheering very loudly, fireworks went off and balloons went up the air.

"THANK YOU EVERYONE!" The two groups shouted. The crowd cheered, everyone was finally happy.

Now this was a memory to cherish forever.

"In a world where pop heroes, fantasy heroes, and sports heroes, we should never forget to look at the real heroes for real courage, real strength and real stories"

The end ❤️

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