Nightmare Realm part 26

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I'm updating faster lol, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! But before I do I got to say a very important announcement...
Warning the following chapter will contain disturbing scenes viewer discretion is advised ⚠️

  "The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't"

"Mark wake up..."


"Wake up..."


"Wake up Mark!"


He slowly opened his eyes, he was oddly confused. "What happened?" Mark asked. "You've been sleeping a lot.." Jisung said. Mark was confused, did he not escape? "What exactly are you talking about?" Mark asked. "Well basically you were knocked out, the leader knocked you out..." Suga explained. "Suga! Where have you been!? I've haven't seen you in a very long time!" Mark exclaimed. "You've been busy, with him" Suga said.

Busy? I'm so confused...

Mark looked around, he realized he was still in the same spot in the abandoned place. "Busy? With him? I don't get it, What's going on?" Mark asked. All of a sudden, E'dawn, Bobby, and Chanyeol showed up. "Guys! I haven't seen you guys in forever! I'm so glad you guys are alive... and not dead..." Mark said.

"Have you forgotten about us?" Chanyeol asked.

"What? Of course not, I always wondered about you guys" Mark said.

"Don't lie to us, we know you don't care about us" E'dawn said.

"What? Of course I care, I just haven't seen you guys in a long time..." Mark said.

"Right, you haven't seen us in a long time since you're so busy with the leader" Bobby added. Mark was utterly confused, what did they mean by "busy" and what exactly meant that he was busy with the leader? "What? What are you guys talking about? You guys keep mentioning something with the leader!" Mark asked. Everybody looked at him with disgust, why were they treating him as if he had betrayed them. "Don't be stupid, you're the leaders favorite, because of you he leaves us to starve" Suga claimed. Mark was in disbelief, "I'm not his favorite! He treats us all badly!".

"Stop lying to us! Because of you they all treat us badly!" Jisung said. Mark looked at everyone, how can they say that?

"If only we never saved you, we would have never been in this mess" E'dawn said. The door opened and it was the leader. The rich man gave them a wide grin, "Well look what we have here, my favorite group". Mark's eyes widened, his heart beat increased and he almost stopped breathing. Everyone was still, that's when a group of men came in the group. Without even saying the men attacked the rest of the guys, the leader got close to Mark and hit him on the head with a pipe. Mark banged his head on the floor, the last thing he saw felt blood coming out of him.

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