Crushed dreams part 24

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As Jason was walking back home, he was reading the letter they sent him. His eyes were glowing, he was so excited to tell Mark about the great news he had in surprise. He hasn't this been happy before the incident...

Jason may have been 15 year old, but he learned how to deal with the trauma his own way. He was really good in hiding it too. Jason got back home, and saw the members all in the dining area, "Hey everyone!" They reply with "Hey" . Jason looks around, and doesn't see Mark. "What got you so happy today?" Jackson asked, "Oh well-" He got cut off, "What's that in your hand?" Jackson asked. "Well, I was planning to tell mark that I- wait a minute where is he?" Jason asked. The members looked at each other, one by one they each had all faces of confusion.

"He's still at the facility, maybe..." Jinyoung tell him. "What do you mean maybe.." Jason says all confused. "He didn't reply to my texts, or answer any of my calls, I don't really know what happened to him.." Jinyoung proceeds to tell him. Jason felt crushed, he looked at the members all upset, he dropped the letter and ran to his room weaping.

"Poor kid... I knew one of us should've gone with him to the facility.." Jinyoung said. "Why didn't one of us go with him?" Jackson replied. "Well he told us it would be better if he went alone, it is private the session" Jinyoung said. Meanwhile on the other hand, Jason was upset. Ever since the whole incident passed him and mark had a strong bond. They told each other everything, trusted into each other, they never got into arguments, never disagreed in anything...

So why didn't he come back home? Did he not want to see Jason? Is he mad at him? What in the world was mark doing that made him not come back? Where was he?

At this point Jason just thought, "if he doesn't want me living here, he could just tell me to leave, he doesn't have to ignore me like this..."

To ignore this feeling, Jason went right to sleep.

Few hours later...

It was sun down, and mark still wasn't home. Where in the hell could he be? Jason sat up, and thought about all the horrific acts that could have been done with him. Did he get kidnapped? Or maybe he was out there getting raped! Jason was really scared, what if he got lost?

Downstairs, the members were preparing for dinner. BamBam was wiping the surfaces when he noticed a peace of paper. He remembered it was something Jason was holding onto when he came back. He didn't wanna be nosy but what if it was bad news. It couldn't be because Jason came back all happy. The curiosity caught the best of him and looked into the letter. He read it for minutes and quietly gasped. He put the letter into his pocket and decided to check up on him.

When he was coming up to his room, he started hearing a small weap. BamBam knocked on the door, "Jason? Can I come in?" Jason didn't reply for a second. "I know you're in here, may I come in?" BamBam asked. He still didn't reply, but BamBam decided to come in just to check up on him. He saw Jason on his bed crying onto his pillow. "Jason..." He quietly said, he knew what was going on. But it was better if he explained it to him. BamBam picked Jason up, and wiped his tears off with tissues. He moved his long locks from his face, "What's been going on with you?" He asked. Jason took a minute to take a deep breath and that's when he let it all out.

"I just... I just d-don't think Mark w-wants to see me..." Jason looked down, and tear droplets were falling from his face. "Now why would you think that?" BamBam asked. "He's n-not here that's why... did I do something to him?" Jason asked while looking up at him. BamBam was in shock, how could he think like that? Why in the world would Mark not be here because of Jason? He pulled him into a hug. "Of course it's not because of you, don't think like that" He said reassuringly, both pulled away from the hug. "You see Mark had to deal with something personally, it's not because you're here it's because he has to find a way to cope with all the trauma he dealt with you know..." BamBam said. "I-I don't get it..." Jason said confusingly.

"Look, the reason why he's not here in the moment is because today he had to go to a psychiatrist, the doctor suggested that he would go to one to help him fix his problem, I don't know exactly when he's gonna come back. Or what's taking him so long, but anyways it's not because of you. It's because he had to go to it today since he had an appointment scheduled today, who knows what the psychiatrist might tell him." BamBam showed a gentle smile towards him, it all made sense now to him.

"Now that we're talking, I have to show you this" He pulls out the letter from his pocket. "You know I'm proud of you that you achieved your goal, after all you've been through you deserve it" BamBam smiled. "I feel like I don't... I mean I worked really hard" Jason said. "Of course you deserved it, and because of that I will make you a special treat once Mark gets home so that we can all celebrate the news" BamBam chuckled at the end and so did Jason. When they finished the conversation, they decided to go into the living room where they waited on Mark.

Moments later, they heard the door clicking open and to Jason's happiness it was Mark. "MARK!" Jason jumped on him and hugged him tightly. "Jason!" Mark said while hugging him back. "What happened to you? Why did you come all late?" BamBam asked, the other members were out waiting for him too. "Well I had a long time with my psychiatrist, and he prescribed me some medicine that I need to take to calm down my anxiety" Mark explained. "Mark, did they tell you if there's something wrong with you?" Jason asked. "I'll explain later... I promise, but what's up with you, you seem jumpy today" Mark hesitating as he didn't want to scare the rest of them of what the psychiatrist told him. Jason took a deep breath at first, and nervously took out the letter that was given to him and showed it to mark. Mark took it, and read it, he was so surprised but in joy. "I can't believe it you..." Mark was in shock. "I got accepted into JYP entertainment!" Jason hugged mark tightly. "I'm so happy for you!" Mark hugged him tightly, to the point he was gonna tear up out of joy. The other members came in for a group hug and congratulated him for the news.

They were all happy until BamBam saw the news. "Guys look" BamBam pointed at the tv. They all faced to the tv where some devastated news popped up.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman, today we have some interesting news. Police has caught the culprit responsible for the sex trafficking for over millions of people, this man may be included over the disappearance of the famous celebrity Mark Tuan and many more. Mark Tuan claims that he was on a vacation but is it really true what he's saying? We'll find out more later on" The news man said as they showed a picture of the rich man that had damaged Mark.

That's when all the memories came here flooding back to Mark...

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