Abuse part 8

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This time mark woke up around the time 6:00 pm.He slowly sat up in his bed and looked around.But then all of a sudden he felt that he was nude.He looked under the sheets and realized he had nothing on.

He could have sworn that he did have something on before going to bed.Mark got up from his bed.The first step that he took,he felt so hurt.His body felt all sore and weak.

He couldn't even walk around.Mark got the idea that while he was asleep someone might have raped him again.Maybe that could explain why he woke up around this time.I mean it was pretty dark in his room.He got dressed in his hospital gown again.

He looked outside the window and stared at the moonlight.

"....Hey guys...I miss you...a lot...I know you guys are wondering about me...you're wondering if I'm okay...in reality,I'm not...but don't worry,I'll figure out how to let everyone escape from here...and go back home..."Mark said as he wished that he could see his other member friends again.

That is until someone came in.Mark flinched and look back.He saw suga standing there,all worried."I...heard what you said....its was...really sweet.."Suga said.

"Thank you..."Mark said as he looked back at the moonlight.Suga walked to mark and stared at the moonlight as well."You miss your best friend don't you..."Suga said in a whisper tone."Yeah..."Mark said.

"I can't stay away from my friends that long...if I do...I'll probably die.."Mark said."...So it is true..."Suga said.Mark looked at sugar in a confused way."What do you mean by that?"Mark asked.

"Have you ever had some hard times in your life?"Suga asked."Yeah..many times..."Mark said."And they have helped you through those times...right?"Suga asked."Yeah..."Mark said.

Enslaved (Kpop version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora