Broken part 14

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All credit idea goes to X_BioHazardLeon_X💖, once again I have credit him for the glorious idea✨. Also make sure the read my new book, Monster now enjoy this chapter! ~

The raping has not stopped for the young boy.A week has passed by and ever since he got here, the human traffickers have not kept there hands to them selves. It was like the young boy was the only "tasty" one here. Mark has been witnessing this almost everyday, he just wants to kill those guys for what they're doing to him. At one point Mark ran up to them and beat the crap out of one of them. Sadly, he got punished for that and was beat too.

Now, all he could do is just watch as the innocent guy gets violated over and over again. Poor Jisung has watched this too. He gets very terrified everytime they do this, he always wonders when they're gonna stop. But he has come to the point where they just don't care about anyone. Everytime, Jisung watches this he would always cry. He was afraid they were gonna do the same thing to him.

Just violating him once was already enough to corrupt his innocent mind with bad thoughts. Just by thinking about it, makes Jisung cry. He has only gotten violate once, but he may never know when they're gone strike again.

"So what are we gonna do with this whore now?" One of the guys asked.

"Put him in the same room as those idiots we dealt with before, there room is very spacious so let's just put him there" Manuel said as he demanded one of the human traffickers.

The human trafficker just grabbed the innocent one by the leg and began dragging him all the way to the room. By the time he got there, the human trafficker violently kicked the door open and threw him in the room and went back.

The young boy had his eyes open, though they were halfway opened. He was naked, and all bruised up. The feeling of being violated was enough to break him. He couldn't move one single muscle of his body. He almost couldn't see anything, he almost couldn't hear anything, that is until he saw two figures above him with concerned faces.

"... "

He was trying to make out what they were saying, but he couldn't hear. After a few seconds later his hearing went back to normal.

"H-hey! Please tell me you're okay! " Mark said as he was very worried about the little boy. His eyes opened a little more, and was surprised to see two figures above him. He started getting scared wondering if they were gonna do the same thing towards them. The young boy quickly sat up and backed up from both of them.

"P-please! Don't h-hurt me! " He screeched as he was up against a wall, about to burst into tears. Mark and jisung assured him that they weren't gonna do anything bad to him.

"Don't worry, we're not one of them, we're the same as you" Mark said. The young boy was no longer terrified.

"Y-you guys have been... " The young boy said as he couldn't finish the sentence knowing it was gonna hurt him and the rest.

"Yes... We've been through the same thing as you" Jisung said.

The young boy just cried and shivered, but crying would take solve anything as he didn't want to be here anymore.

"I want to go back home... " The young boy said as he kneeled on the ground and just cried. The two of them, felt horrible for him they would say everything would be alright but knowing that, it would just be a lie. Mark and jisung started to comfort him and as he let out the tears both of them didn't say anything as them two went through the same thing.

As them two didn't say anything, they saw a group of people come into their room. It was their friends. E'dawn looked at the boy with a very concerned look. Bobby was terrified. Chanyeol was angry and Suga was crying.

As they went to comfort the young boy they all stayed silent not wanting to say anything.

A few hours later, the young boy let out all his tears and they started asking some questions to him.

"What's your name? " Mark asked.

"J-jason... " He said silently still shivering.

"Where am I? " Jason asked as he looked at him with still teary eyes, but just by looking at mark he couldn't give him a proper answer.

"I-I don't know... I wish I can tell you, but I don't know" Mark said as he was very concerned.

"What's gonna happen to me? What are they gonna do now? " Jason asked as he had a very terrified face.

"I don't know... " Mark said with disappointment.If only he knew the answers he would tell him.

Jason just sat there for a few minutes and then he started getting up. But in a very slowly and disturbing way.

"W-where are you going? " Mark asked as the rest of them saw him getting up in a very strange way. Jason didn't answer as he just walked out of the room without saying a word. He went outside the room and saw the human traffickers having a talk and drinking at the same time.

From the looks from it, it looks like they were wasted since they couldn't stand up right. Jason saw a bunch of broken glass behind them, and saw what he could do with it. At this point, it was realized that Jason was mentally disturbed from what has happened to him. To the point where he was emotionless and broken.

He slowly creeped up behind them, and luckily all of their backs were faced towards him. Meanwhile, Mark and the rest of them followed Jason as they had no clue what was happening. But as soon as they saw Jason picking up an object that's when they realized what was really going on.

"I-is he gonna... " Chanyeol said as his eyes were wide.

"N-no... Please don't... " Suga whispered as he wanted to close his eyes but he knew he couldn't.

"J-! " Mark almost yelled out his name but was soon covered by someone's hand.

"No, you can't call out his name... This is for the best" E'dawn said while covering Mark's mouth.

As they watched in a very horrified way, Jason creeped up behind the human traffickers with a piece of broken glass.

"So what should we do with them now? " One of them said.

"I don't know... You should probably-" As soon as Manuel said that word he felt a sharp sting in his neck, he managed to look back and see Jason with an enraged face.

"Y-you.... " Manuel said as blood was dripping from his neck, and he was soon on the ground dead.

The others just looked at him and said nothing, but soon enough they tackled him into the ground and started beating with with many objects and including with their bare hands. Mark couldn't take it anymore, and saw the innocent young boy being beaten. That's when he decided to run towards them.

"MARK DON'T! " Chanyeol yelled as he grabbed his wrist.

"LET GO!" Mark yelled back as he was able to be let free from the grasp.

Mark ran and as he ran he grapped the nearest broken glass he could find. As they were busy beaten up the boy, one of them noticed fast footsteps behind them. One of the human traffickers turned around to see Mark with a piece of glass.

"AAAHHHH! " Mark yelled as he was furious about everything.

As soon as he was about to stab one of the human traffickers he could have sworn...

Everything went black...

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