Torture in the court part 29: Part 2

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Hey guys I'm so happy that we're almost done with this! Hope you guys enjoy part 2!
Warning the following chapter may contain some disturbing language, descriptive details and sensitive topics viewer discretion is advised ⚠️

"The enemy is not fighting you
Because you are weak. He's
Fighting you because you are strong"

Silence was once again turned into chattering. Few moments have passed and Mark was able to calm himself down. Though the only thing that was left in his mind was how, in what way was he gonna fight against the man? Was he gonna win this case? He was pretty petrified that he almost passed out. He took a deep breath and he had to suck it up. He gave a signal to the judge and the court began again. Throughout the session Mark was asked numerous questions on what happened the days he was kidnapped. Mark ended up telling them the whole truth. That he was raped, beaten, assaulted, insulted, etc. He felt like crying so badly, not to mention the session was live TV, he imagined everyone's reaction at home watching.

"Your honor, it's quite clear that Mr. Tuan has suffered through a lot of abuse of this man right here. I mean what makes the defense think he's lying?" The lawyer said. "Objection your honor" The defense said. "I believe that the gentlemen right here could also be lying due to the fact that he may have been part of this whole situation with Me. Alvarez this whole time. I mean Mr. Tuan did state that he had his phone with him so why didn't he call the police" The defense claimed.

"It got stolen, when I woke up from the incident I saw that they stole all my clothes and items I had with me" Mark said. "Ah but what about you escaping the building. I mean clearly there must have been a window on the building so you could have easily escaped and could have gone to the nearest police station and contact the authorities" The defense said. "It's quite clear that the building was 4 stories high, so if Mr. Tuan wanted to escape he would have broken his ankle unable to make him search for the nearest police station" The lawyer said.

"Gentlemen I think that's quite enough I want to hear what the witness has to say" The judge said as he turned to Mark. "It's true the building was very high, and I wasn't able to move properly since I felt numb" Mark said. "Has Mr. Alvarez ever hit you with an inanimate object or ever used excessive force on you or your companions?" The judge asked. "Yes he has, I remember he got mad at us because he claimed that one of us told the police about that place, so he made all of us bend down on a wooden pole, tied us up and used a whip. He even got so far to the point where I remembered he raped one of my friends" Mark explained.

It felt like an eternity, Mark was asked the most personal questions to the most extreme questions. Many of the people that have been through the situation have come up and stated that what Mark was saying was true since they were there with him. It may have took like 5 hours for him to explain the whole situation of what really went down, but with the help of his lawyer he was able to go through it quite well. Finally the Judge reached towards the end, "After the whole situation what happened to you when you went back to the hospital, and decided to do you concert?" The judge asked. "Um I was feeling quite alright in the beginning, I obviously lied to my fans where I have been during the past year stating that I was in vacation, I didn't wanna worry anybody. Couple of hours past by and I felt nauseous, and I was trembling very badly. The noise from the crowd made it very difficult for me to concentrate all I remember was I fainted a couple minutes after." Mark said.

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