Chapter 2

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Today was another day just like the last.  First breakfast with everyone in the camp, my daily warrior story for the kids, and then the fun begins.  Ten to twelve hours of training with Korin. Yay, me! Don't get me wrong, the training was a necessary evil to get me back to fighting status.  But I can't seem to kick this funk I was in. I knew Keagan was right that my wolf will return and I needed to be ready.  But when will she return? How long will I have to wait. How many lives may be lost before she returns. Ughhhhh! I wished my uncle Thadius was here.  He would know what was happening and fix it.  He always fixed it. 

"Uncle Thadius, I miss you." I whispered in the air.  I knew that Sebastian said that he was taking him to the King to answer for his crime of killing my mother and father, but that was a joke.  If it wasn't for Uncle Thadius, my mother's captain of her high guard, getting me out of the palace, I would be resting in the grave next to my parents. Uncle Thadius saved me and raised me like his own and without him I wouldn't have learned the ways of the Royals and what it meant to be Queen.  He taught me how to survive in the world alone.  He made sure that I had training in all types of fighting styles and the history of werewolves and humans alike.  We traveled and lived with many packs and I learned something from each one. 

The aroma of meat cooking triggered a series of grumbles from my stomach to remind me its time to eat. I washed up quickly and went to join the others in the center of the camp. Over the last couple of weeks I have come to know and love the rogue pack.  They wanted what all wolves wanted, to find their mates and raise their families in peace.  If it wasn't for the cruelty from my true uncle, King Kristoff, everyone here would still belong to their packs and not live in a constant state of fear.  The fear of being attack by other rogues, packs, or even by the King's assassin keeps them on the edge of being able to live freely.

"Celina! Celina! Celina!" Ariel came thundering through the crowds slammin her small body into mine.  I braced myself for impact so that she didn't topple us over. I smiled swooping her up in my arms before I was immediately surrounded by an army of children with their arms wrapping around my body.

I laughed, "Hey, hey everyone good morning!" The enthusiasm from the children always uplifted my spirits.

"Shoo..Shoo... Now let Ms. Celina get something to eat first before you start begging for another one of her stories." I smiled over at mother hen we called Ms. Betty  She was hands down one of the best cooks I had a pleasure of dining from her food creations.  She also was the one who looked over the kids making sure they didn't get into mischief by giving them various of jobs to do around the camp.  Her motto was that everyone was a vital part of the success of their family even as young as three.

"Awwwww, Ms Betty,  Celina promised to tell us about the amazon warriors. She promised." Ariel little lips quivered into an irresitible pout  begging for me to give in to her demand.

"How about a compromise, i will tell the story while I eat." my response was met with cheers from the children.  One of the eldest kids dashed off to make me a plate while I sat on one of the empty logs.  The kids piled down on the ground around my feet all eyes focused on me.  The children weren't the only ones that listen in on my stories. The teenagers and some adults also listened even though they would never admit.  I didn't take notice until maybe the third day of storytelling that the older population was also enjoying my stories.  I always chose a log set apart from the main group trying not to interrupt others as I began one of my tales.  As the days passed, the logs that used to be empty were now beginning to fill up with teenagers and adults.  Sometimes I would catch Keagan leaned against the tree as he listen to my story.

"So today, I told you that I would tell you about the pack called Amazon." Plate in hand I began to tell them the true story about a pack of she wolves that called themselves the Amazon Pack.

Royal War: Sequel to Royal SecretWhere stories live. Discover now