Chapter Two: On the Road

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Two: On the Road


Something I had developed with Crystal. I had never seen a Pony so friendly before, the ones in the Stables seemed a bit crazy and...anti-social. As we entered her shack, I sat down on the bed that Crystal sat me on before and looked around at the many different pre-war posters around the hut.

"These posters, they interest you?" I asked curiously, looking around. One did catch my attention, the Pinkie Pie one, the one with the words 'Pinkie Pie is watching you forever.' However it did send a chill down my spine.

"They do actually; they help me imagine how happy Equestria was before all this begun. I can just hear the sound of birds chirping, the smell of fresh air. And then I come out of my imagination, and I get the foul stench of irradiated air." She sighed, bringing over two Sparkle-Cola's over.

"I always imagine some crazy shit whenever I look at them, for example that Pinkie Pie one." I pointed, taking a sip of my Sparkle-Cola. "If she's really watching us, where is she?"

"It was just her way of saying that she's protecting you, at least that's how I look at it." Crystal levitates the bottle of Sparkle-Cola to her lips and sips at it. "What was the picture in your mind of the Equestria before this one?"

"Similar to yours...fresh air, birds chirping, green plains and blue skies." I smiled slightly, letting out a soft chuckle. "I wish I was there to see it, you see...spending most of your life underground isn't exactly the nicest thing."

"You weren't born in the Stable?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion. "I thought all Ponies in the Stables were born and bred there."

"Not this Pony, I'll tell you how...if you really must know." I put the half empty glass bottle down and looked at Crystal.

"You don't have to, but I am intrigued." She sat there, looking into my eyes. "I mean, it gives us something to talk about."

"Well, just don't fall asleep." I chuckled, taking a sip and then taking a deep breath. I knew I was going to regret this, but one way or another I would have to tell her. "I was living in Cloudsdayle with my mom, my dad and my sister. The Grand Pegasus Enclave offered to help us get into a Stable, the closest at the time was Stable 30. I was only five years old back then, so I can only remember little fragments. On the way there, a gang of Raiders attacked the squad taking us in, before we reached the cave the Raider's had killed my mom and dad and taken my sister hostage. The Enclave managed to kill off some of the Raiders, but a couple of injured ones managed to escape with my sister while the fight was going on. I was the only one who managed to get inside the Stable and...ever since that day, I grew up alone. I didn't really have any friends, only acquaintances. Then I met you, and I've finally met a friend."

She looked shocked from what happened. "I'm so sorry Tornado, I didn't know."

"It's not your fault...if anything it's the Enclave's fault; they should have defended my parents. Did they? Fuck no, the only thing they did was fire a bunch of shots that missed and then finally tried when my parents actually died." I finished my drink and let out a huff. "Come on, let's go." I got onto my hooves and walked out. It killed me to even speak of that event again; it was one of the most horrifying moments of my life...something I didn't ever want to speak of again.

Crystal pulled out a familiar book from my child hood. It was the 'You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L' book. The feeling of nostalgia filled me as I stared at it.

"Where did you find that?" I asked, looking closer at it. "I haven't seen one of these in a long time." I went to grab it, but I flinched back.

"Oh, I found it in the Waste. It's clean now; you can have it if you like." She passed be the slightly beaten book and placed it in my hooves. "Please, take it."

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