Chapter Eighteen-Point-Five: A Light Romance

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Eighteen-Point-Five: A Light Romance

What had I done?!

I had ended the war at Sunnyvale, but for all the wrong reasons. My selfishness and greediness drove me to push that button, my urge to find my sister and reunite with her as a family got in the way of what was right and wrong. I had chosen the wrong option... I should have just killed Mist right there on the spot, so then the battle would end fairly. Not by killing all the Steel Rangers with a Bale Fire Bomb that was possibly there waiting to be detonated for centuries. I had not slept that night, and within that time, I heard the muffled and echoing bang of the Megaspell being detonated. I had not moved, I just held myself in a small ball on the ground, crying to myself softly.

I was a monster. And if all of the Wasteland wanted to find me and kill me, I would let them have it all. Their revenge, their freedom given to them with one shot. And if they wanted to torture my body, if they wanted me to feel their wrath, I would let them do it for the sake of my own punishment. If only I had known better... and now it is too late to turn back the clocks, to prevent any of this from happening.

I was on the floor, cuddling myself and stroking my tail, as the slave outfit I wore reminded me of why I was there. To be punished for not doing right. I was beginning to regret leaving there in the first place, but seeing Crystal again, knowing that she was okay made things slightly less depressing. I had cried enough, and I couldn't squeeze out anymore tears from my eyes no matter how much I wanted to. My cheeks still felt wet from all the tears that had fallen not too long ago.

Crystal was sleeping in the bed, sound asleep. I however couldn't get an ounce of sleep, I was cradling myself while suffering inside of my own sadness. I just wanted it to all end right now. I wanted it all to end, everything. My journey, my search, my life out in the Wasteland. I was not ready for any of us, despite my time out there. I lifted myself from the cold, metal floor before slamming my head on the desk I had fallen under.

I yelped as a loud bang was heard from the metal of the desk rattling together. I cringed and held my head tightly, curling back down onto the floor as I let out a few groans of pain. Fuck that hurt. The pain throbbed softly within my skull as I put an immense amount of pressure on the area that I had hit the table with. Unfortunately, in the process, I woke Crystal up. Hearing a few groans that signalled her stirring from her sleep, my eyes glanced up to the plain bedsheets which were moving before I saw the sky blue Unicorn mare, who had a dark minty green mane sit up and rub her eyes as they soon floated to look towards me.

"S-sorry, did I wake you?" I grunted, holding the aching lump which was now developing on my head.

The mare yawned and climbed out of bed, before hurrying over to me in deep concern. "Tornado, are you alright?!"

She stopped by my side, wrapping both her hooves around me as she examined my battered body from the battle before-hoof. I nodded solemnly, keeping my hooves on my head as the cringing upon my face intensified along with the pain on my possibly cracked skull.

"Did you bang your head?" She whispered softly, her horn glowing faintly beneath the table. "Let me look..."

"N-no, it's fine... no need to worry, I just thumped my head is all!" I countered, and then glanced away. "Get back to sleep, Crystal. Come tomorrow, we're going to be traveling again..."

"Well, I'm awake now," Crystal sighed as she spoke. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Silence dominated for a few seconds as I began to glance to her, keeping my eyes fixed on the mare by my side. It didn't take long, but I soon pulled her in for a tight hug, burying my face into the soft fur upon her chest and then nuzzling her neck in the process. I wanted to cry. I tried to cry. But I couldn't. I felt Crystal move away slightly, as if she wanted out of the hug or if she had no idea why I was doing it.

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