Chapter Eighteen: Doing What's Right

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Eighteen: Doing What's Right


I had been here for a few days and my hope was draining away, the longer I spent here, the more my hope continued to drain. I had gotten here because of my mistakes, not anypony elses and even if it was my companion's fault, I couldn't blame them. And each passing day made me worry more about the companions I may never see again, but I would at least try not to give up on hope of seeing them again. Handsome Charmer was all I had, and if I was to lose him while being here, I'd be nothing more than a weak shell of nothingness. I felt lost just thinking about it and it shot me in the heart to even think about it.

I was the one to blame for most of the incidents that had happened in recent days and weeks. I killed ponies. I wasn't innocent, but I tried my hardest to make up for the mistakes I had made and now that I was here, there was no doing that. Handsome Charmer and I had our fair share of punishments and I believe I deserved every single punishment. Every. Single. One. And I wouldn't ever want them to stop, no matter how much they hurt. I wanted to be cleansed of the sins I had committed out in the Wasteland... even if I had killed ponies who deserved it, I still killed ponies. I was still taking lives.

At night, I couldn't stop thinking of Dodge dying in my arms. His bloody carcass lying in my hooves as he let out his last breath, the bloody wound all over his neck and shoulder area, deep and bloody. The severed hole inside of his neck leaking with the thick red liquid. And because of these memories, I always woke up, crying to myself and cradling myself every night, in an attempt to make myself feel comfortable. It hurt... but it helped me wash the guilt away.

"Good evenin' my listeners! How are you on this fine evening? I myself feel great as usual...

"You know what time it is, listeners, story tiiiimmmmme! Tonight's story is a true story. It's a story that is based on what is happening right now, today, in real life. It's about where heroes fight for the good of the Wasteland, and villains fight for the good of themselves. It's a story about war and how it won't ever change, how we will be stuck in this cycle of having to start pointless wars, time after time!

"This story my listeners keeps writing itself and it has been for the past two-hundred years. The first sentence of this story was written on the day when the bombs fell, on the day when all of Ponykind was said to be extinct if not, maybe even during Pre-War times. And for generations, this story has carried itself out, as it keeps writing itself, giving us what I like to call 'A Neverending Story'.

"Now, listeners. If this story bores the living crap outta you, then it's not meant to be super duper epic or anything. This story is what it is, and I cannot tell it any other way without sounding like a grade A liar.

"Don't worry, I won't start from the beginning. Well, I will, but I'll start at the more recent chapters as I've not been around for over two-hundred years, haha!

"Let's begin, shall we?

"The Wasteland. A place where the word 'hope' echoes in our minds, despite hope being so far away. The Wasteland: ravaged by war and tainted with the blood of the fallen. The ponies of the Wasteland soon became selfish and began to stop helping others and instead, they began to kill other ponies for the sake of themselves -- their twisted minds, neverending.

"Littlepip: she did so much for us, despite having attacked Arbu and blowing up Maripony, she was our Wasteland hero. But those days soon decayed, and now with the Wasteland without their needed hero, all hope began to drain once again. The word 'hope' because nothing but a word now, a phrase we use to comfort those who we cannot save. Hope is not real.

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