Chapter Twelve: No Help; No Hope

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Twelve: No Help; No Hope

I began to delve into the never-ending abyss before us all. I kept glancing back at my companions, making sure they were behind me. The walls were covered in broken, grey tiles and also some had wires running along the tops. Not in a straight line, but a bendy path. Some of the wires were even torn and handing from the walls they were hung upon. The road was covered in large dusty piles of rubble, which we of course had to climb over in order to get to the other side. They weren't so big that they were blocking the road; they were just big enough for the path. My light as usual only allowed some of the path to be seen, but the warning we were given by the mysterious buck really made not only my companions but also me more cautious.

I did have a bit of trouble breathing due to the claustrophobia, but it's something I get used to. We ventured onwards, before reaching what seemed to be the bottom. The road went flat and now, a small amount of light was seen from the top of the tunnel. Small beams of dim lights were lined across the top, some flickering and also some not bright at all. It did give off some light, but I doubt it was to last.

"Hold up." I placed a wing out in front of my companions, wincing slightly from the slight pinch of pain. "I'm going to check ahead." I began to walk ahead, before entering a large room where there were now two roads. This showed that there were two tunnels, one leading to Manehattan and the other leading somewhere south. I looked at the roads, all cracked and chipped. I noticed the room's lights were flicking violently as they lay upon the roof of the cylinder type room. I felt dust fall onto me, and a small hole was within the ceiling, allowing some light from the outside world in. But it surely wasn't enough.

I felt a soft, chilly breeze drift against me. I shivered slightly, before looking over to Crystal and the others with a nod as a sign of it being safe. They slowly walked into the large room to where I was standing, glancing up at the tiled roof. I heard Violet chuckle.

"Like the stallion on that message said, we aren't going to be safe down here. We're bound to run into something dangerous, and we can only hope that it's not Hellhounds." Violet spoke, sounding irritated, "come on, what are you waiting for?! Let's get a move on." She pushed me aside, walking ahead and observing the room we were in.

As we did continue, the stench of rotten flesh soon passed my muzzle. I gagged slightly, before hearing a blood curdling roar echo in the distance. I quickly looked in the direction it was coming from, until I saw a silhouette of a Pony stand on top of a small wreckage and roar at the top of its lungs. I walked closer slowly as it stared down at us, its blood red eyes now coming into vision along with its rotten, mangled skin and oozing black blood leaking from the holes that had been torn within its skin. He then roared yet again, before jumping down and running towards me like a rabid creature. These were Ghouls, not like the ones we saw back in Ghoulshire, these were Feral. These had lost their minds to the madness that had consumed them.

I then heard a roar of gunfire, as I noticed the Ghoul get torn in mid-air. I looked back at Violet, seeing smoke drifting from the front of her Minigun. I looked back at the Ghoul seeing a chunky, bloody mess, covered in guts and the jaw torn off completely. I cringed at this, imagining the pain that it must have felt – yet with the madness corrupting the thing, I don't think it feels anything other than rage. I heard a roaring crowd of Ghouls over the wreckage before seeing through the wreckage a large group of them coming towards us, some even glowing with a sickly green color which lit up the area around it.

I readied myself for combat, trying to line my Combat Shotgun up with one of the Ghouls. As one leaped over the wreckage, drooling the thick black bile from its crooked jaw, I managed to send shells into it, tearing it apart instantly watching its blood and black matter spray onto me and the wreckage above. I glanced away, feeling sorry for the soul that was once a Pony. I couldn't help but develop guilt within my head, before inhaling deeply and flying up, groaning in pain from my wings and aiming at the small army charging towards us.

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