Chapter Ten: Breaking the Defense

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Ten: Breaking the Defense


I was taking a risk for my companions, I was willing to go down and fight without them. With the two mares unconscious and Dodge and I being the only ones conscious, I had no choice but to trust him with them. This also gave me no choice about going back down onto the streets of Manehattan.

As the elevator reached the bottom of the shaft, the doors opened yet again with a screech before I exited the small box like room. I saw the ravaged streets of the city as I exited out of the doors, noticing how the sun was beginning to set. Some rubble from a surrounding building fell from the top, slamming down onto to the ground and breaking apart. No Rangers were nearby either. I was alone.

As I wandered down a different street, filled with piles of rubble and collapsed, steel segments that make the buildings frame, I found two Steel Rangers. One was on the floor, with a massive open wound inside the abdomen of the armor. As I got closer, I noticed there were many bullet holes, showing me that they were shot by a shotgun spread. I noticed a sobbing noise coming from the Ranger across from the wounded soldier.

I decided to go to the Ranger, this one was a mare. She was sobbing silently. I just stared at the body, feeling nothing but pity for her.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said in a calm tone, looking down at the dead Ranger below. "I know how it feels to lose somepony close to you."

"He was my brother, he was the only part of family I had left and now he's gone. If you truly know how it feels, tell me what happened to your family." The mare Ranger spoke, her voice sounded depressive and low. I just kept staring at the bloody corpse.

"I lost my parents, and my sister was taken from me, who is now somewhere out in the Wastes, and is nowhere to be found. Yet - I just hope I find her soon, she's the only bit of family I have left." I turned my full attention to the Steel Ranger next to me. She did the same to me.

"I'm so sorry; I sure hope you find your sister. It'd be horrible for you to go through what I've been through, especially when you haven't seen her for years." The Steel Ranger hugged me gently, making sure the heavy plated armor didn't crush me.

"Thank you." I simply replied, grateful of her concern. "Again, I'm sorry for your loss." She turned away from me to go back to mourning her brother's body. She sounded like her emotions were breaking down.

"It's not your fault, I am just glad somepony has a heart out here. It's not every day that I see a Pony like you, who shows respect for those who are upset." She responded before sobbing quietly, her helmet making it echo slightly. I shook my head feeling pity for her, before beginning to walk down the street.

As I passed through an archway, I entered a building of what appeared to be a bank. All the stalls and stairways were blocked by rubble and massive, gaping holes were in the ceilings which allowed the sunlight seep through. There were a few corpses beneath the rubble, new ones too - this meant that the ceiling had collapsed recently. Maybe from an attack?

I saw two Alicorns on the balcony opposite me; I quickly took cover behind a large piece of rubble as I heard their yells of command. Calling for forces and orders of attack. I felt a sniper bullet shoot passed me and onto the ground.

"Oh shit!!" I yelled, quickly taking a peek to see if there were anymore. "Oh this isn't good." There were now five Alicorns on the balcony. I quickly hid back behind cover, readying myself for combat. My Combat Shotgun couldn't hit them from here. I quickly swapped to my rifle, and entered S.A.T.S. it was a small percentage, but I do have a chance of hitting them. I targeted the chest of the nearest one before releasing a shot.

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