Chapter Nineteen: Deception

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Nineteen: Deception

"Gooooood evenin', my little listeners, ain't it that time of day again? Of course it is, it's time for the news and it's comin' to you live from my station!

"Well, everypony, I have some pretty big news. Possibly the biggest news I have ever had in years, and many of y'all know what happened last time I had big news. Right? If not, then you'll probably not want to know. This is bigger, but not as controversial, so there's no need to bust each other's balls or faces now.

"Sunnyvale has been destroyed, completely wiped off the map, listeners! It was wiped by a fucking Megaspell. Y'know that bright, multicolored explosion that happened a while back? Yeah, that was a fucking Megaspell, and believe me on this, it wasn't pretty. According to a few Ghouls that happened to pass by after the explosion, (no not the rabid Ghouls) all the Steel Rangers who were stationed there had been wiped out along with the city. And there were no Enclave bodies.

"This is already dropping huge hints that the Enclave did this... and indeed they did. Y'see, listeners, the Enclave have gotten their hooves onto something called 'the Rainbow Oracle'. The Rainbow Oracle happens to be some sort of Megaspell built decades before the war by an anonymous group of Zebras who aren't in any of the Pre-War books, so don't go bother researching them...

"I only know that much.

"Anyway, enough history bullshit, I don't wanna bore you. Rumor has it that our Little Blue Buddy happened to be the one who detonated it. Before you ask, I don't know how true this is... I mean, I find it highly unbelieveable. I'm sure he knows better, and he does. He hasn't shown harm to anyone who hasn't attacked him, and that's a good thing. The only types of ponies who would do such a thing are: The Enclave themselves, or a group of Raiders who managed to stumble across a big red button that says "Push Me".

"Though... if it really was him, I'm sure he wouldn't mean any harm. I mean, the guy's got a lot on his plate, like finding his sister and keeping friends alive. No, I'm not trying to defend him, but I know what it is like. When you too many goals of your own, you just can't help other ponies in their time of need.

"If it was him, I believe he never meant bad.

"And that's the last you'll hear of me for a while, I'm going to traveling up north to see my brother for the first time in years, I'm sure my assistant, Autumn Breeze will keep you posted while I'm away. Don't worry guys, you'll love her as much as I do, just as long as you're her listeners while I'm gone.

"What's that? Oh I love you too, Autumn. I'll be back next week, I promise...

"Oh don't get jealous, listeners. I love you too..."


The emotions inside of my tiny, little head were crossing paths and working away inside of my mind. I felt guilt, pleasure, love and happiness and even sadness had crossed my mind at times. Mainly because of what I had done over these recent weeks. How Dodge had died, how Crystal and I revealed our feelings towards each other, and how I blew up a fucking city with a Megaspell. Life was tough. Especially since the radio pony just gave away what had happened, and exactly who had done it. Me. And I most certainly wasn't proud of it.

Ponies could love me or hate me, I could really care less when I had goals of my own. All I wanted to do now was reach my sister, and once I reach her, all this fighting stops. Every last bit. My "job" to purge the Enclave, my fight for survival. All of it. Stable 30 could burn if it wanted to, I had nothing left back there and if I was to aid the Enclave destroy it, then maybe that would be my final action in the Wasteland before my violent lifestyle ended completely. I didn't want to destroy Stable 30, but my mind told me otherwise.

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