Chapter Six: Stable 55

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Fallout Equestria: The Last Wanderer

Chapter Six: Stable 55


Blood was all I could see ahead of me, as I approached the body that could potentially be dead. What could have done this to him? And why was he out here? I saw many deep claw marks and bullet holes upon his acorn brown coat. The body seemed lifeless; the only thing that showed life was the few weak breaths escaping his mouth.

I began to look over his wounds and as I did, Crystal had an even closer look. She began to observe the wounds, checking how deep they were and how much blood he had lost.

"Well somepony fired at him and to top that off, I think Hellhounds tried finishing him off." Crystal commented. "We're going to have to go somewhere safe if we want to save him." Crystal slowly levitated him off of the ground, with that he groaned in pain before the blood from his wounds dripped onto the ground. The radiation meter on my PipBuck was ticking faster, as the gases slowly approached us from the gentle breeze blowing towards us.

"What about Stable 55?" I found a small cave entrance and slowly trotted to it. I took a look inside, seeing a large steel door with the number fifty-five on it. I turned to Crystal and nodded to her slowly, Crystal carried the body over with her slowly.

"We can only hope that Stable got terminated." She answered. We reached the gap and opened the steel gate to the cave entrance, before making our way into the claustrophobic cave. At that moment, I felt like all the walls were closing in on me, my claustrophobia was kicking in.

"T-terminated?" I asked, trying to calm myself down while we trotted through the tight cave. Once we reached the end, there was a small terminal by the door. It didn't seem too hard to hack.

"Yes, it's when either the Steel Rangers or Enclave thinks that a Stable no longer needs to be used, they kill everypony inside." She kept the Pony levitated in her grasp. "I don't know why they do it, they just do it."


I managed to hack the large steel door open. The door was pushed out and then rolled over to the left. The entrance was dark; the only light source came from the alerting light that spun around on an endless loop. The color of it was pale amber. Something didn't feel right, I quickly witched the flashlight on my PipBuck on and I began to venture into the dark hallways of Stable 55.

"What do you see?" Crystal asked, carrying the Pony. Her purple, magic aura was also a small light source; she followed me, being careful not to slam Dodge into a wall.

"It seems clear, though, just silence." An eerie atmosphere filled the air, as silence dominated the air. "Over here." I trotted up the staircase and by the console which controlled the door. Crystal nodded and carefully placed Dodge next to me.

"Will he be okay?" Crystal asked, looking over his body with deep concern. I looked up at her sternly, thinking to why she was asking that.

"That's your job; you're the medic, not me." A sudden bang echoed from down the hallway. It instantly caught my attention and I quickly looked to where the sound came from. Crystal tended to the injured sheriff using many stimpacks and other chems.

"What was that noise?!" Crystal exclaimed, while tending to Dodge's wounds. I couldn't respond, I was completely clueless to what it could be.


There it went again, this time growing louder than before. I started to approach the noise, this time feeling the cold, steel walls of the Stable to sense where exactly it's coming from. Crystal was trying to keep Dodge on the right side; we didn't want him passing onto death.

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