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sarah's pov:
corey and I are currently moving the furniture into the apartment. the others came to help also with our furniture.

"yeah you can put that right there." I said pointing to the corner in the living room.

after hours of unpacking everything we all ordered chinese food and watched some netflix.

"guys there is going to be a party tomorrow. wanna go?" capron asked us and we nodded.
"thank you guys for coming to help us out." corey said as the others left the house.

"no problem and don't forget the party is at 6." tanner said.

corey closed the door and we both went to the bedroom. "I love you so much sarah." corey said while kissing me. "I love you too corey."

I went to go change into my pajamas while corey was editing a video for the channel.
it was currently 2 in the afternoon. corey and I are grocery shopping for the house. "hey guys so we are currently grocery shopping for the house and lets see where sarah is going." corey said to the camera.

I went to the chip and snack area. "I knew it of course she would be in this aisle." he laughed. "doritos or lays?" I asked while holding up a doritos and lays bag. "hmm that's hard... lays." he said and I threw the bag into the cart.
after shopping we came back home to put everything where it belonged.

"we have one more hour until the party. lets get ready." I said to corey.

I went to take a shower after corey and I wore a white long sleeve with maroon jeans.

while corey wore a lavender shirt with blue jeans

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while corey wore a lavender shirt with blue jeans.

•••after couple of hours stuck in traffic, we made it to the party and it was packed you can hear people yelling from the inside

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after couple of hours stuck in traffic, we made it to the party and it was packed you can hear people yelling from the inside.

we met up with capron, zay, and tanner in front of the house.

"yo it is so lit." zay said as we walked inside. corey pulled me close to him as we walked through the crowd.

after having a couple of drinks we went to dance at the dance floor.
"guys it's getting late corey and I are going to head back now." I said giving them a hug.

"alrighty just text me when you guys get home." capron said.
we made it back home and corey just knocked out once he made went inside the bedroom.

I changed into my pajamas and kissed corey on the forehead.

"good night babe." I pulled the covers over us and went to bed.

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