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sarah's pov:
lately I have been having throwing up in the morning. "babe is everything okay?" corey said while rushing into the bathroom. "yeah it's just weird how I have been throwing up lately." I said.

"hmm lets go to the doctors right now and lets see what's up." corey said while helping me up.
after waiting for the doctors they finally called my name. "sarah wilkinson?" the nurse said while looking around the room for me. corey and I got up from our seats and followed the nurse to the room.

"the doctor will be with you two in a minute." she said while leaving the two of us alone.
after the we got the results it turns out that I am pregnant. "congrats to the both of you guys." the doctor smiled.

once we were done with the appointment we went back home.

"oh my gosh how am I supposed to tell my parents?" I said. "it's okay babe they will get it." corey said while giving me a kiss on the forehead.
we decided to call our parents over to have dinner and tell them the big news.

once we were done calling our parents corey and I went to buy some of the ingredients for dinner.
"hey kiddos." our parents said. "hey. thank you for coming." we both said at the same time.

"so what was it that you two wanted to tell us?" corey's dad asked us. "well...I am pregnant..." I said and they were all quiet for a moment.

"congrats to the both of you two." my dad said. "wait you guys aren't mad?" corey asked them. "we all trust you guys and plus you two are both old enough." corey's mom said.
once our parents left corey and I sat on the couch sighing. "I was not expecting that at all." he said while laughing. "me neither." I laughed.

we went to the room and set up the cameras. "hey guys welcome back we have a special announcement." corey said and then looked at me. "I AM PREGNANT!!!" I said while smiling. "yeah and we just had a talk with our parents and they were fine about it." corey said.

after filming we both edited the video before uploading it.
"good night princess." corey said while kissing my cheek.

"good night corey."

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