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sarah's pov:
today they boys were leaving for the trip so I had to drop them off at the airport while my mom was watching mason.

"have a safe flight and also be safe there." I said while giving each of them a hug. "okay MOM!!" we all laughed.

the others went ahead leaving me and corey alone. "I'm gonna miss you so much." I said while kissing him. "me too but we can facetime everyday if you want to." he wrapped his arms around my waist while looking into my eyes. "sounds good. you should catch up with the rest now before you miss your flight." I said giving him one more kiss and he nodded. "I love you." corey said. "I love you too."
"mason where are you?" I said looking around the house. we were currently playing hide and go seek. I heard giggles from behind the curtains in the living room. "hmm I wonder where mason can be." I said while walking inside the living room.

I stayed quiet for awhile and went to open the curtains. mason started to scream "ahhh" "I got you." I said while picking him up showering him with kisses.
after playing hide and go seek I made mac and cheese for the two of us. "thank you mommy." he said while digging into his food. "no problem."

once we were done eating I changed him into his pajamas and read a book to him before his bedtime.

"mommy where is daddy?" he asked me. "daddy went to spain." I explained and he just nodded. "can we call him?" he said. "sure." I dialed his number and facetimed him.

after a couple of rings he picked up I gave the phone to mason. "hey buddy what's up?" I heard corey say. "DADDY!!!" mason smiled aww he is so cute. "where is mommy?" corey asked and I turned the phone towards my direction. "heyyy." I smiled.
after a couple of minutes into talking with corey mason fell asleep. "well it's getting late here." corey said. "okay good night." I said. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." I hung up.

I changed into my pajamas and answered some of the emails. my phone started to ring it was sammy. "hey bro what's up?" I said. "relationship problems." he sighed. "what happened between you and stass?" I asked. "she thought I was cheating on her with one of our friends back in omaha but really I didn't." he said. "wanna come over?" I asked him. "yeah I will be there in a couple of minutes." then we hung up.
"where can I put my bag at?" sammy said. "in the guest bedroom upstairs and to your left." I said.

after he was done settling, we had a small talk about his relationship. "It's getting late right now and I have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow." I said. "alrighty sis night." he gave me a hug.

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