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sarah's pov:
once everyone was gathered around us they all counted down to one.

"5....4....3....2....1..." they all yelled. corey and I opened the box then....
when we both opened the box blue balloons flew out. corey gave me a hug and a kiss on the lips. everyone cheered afterwards.

the boys came up to congratulate us. "hey congrats to the both of you. I can't wait until I met my nephew." capron said to us.
once the party was over corey and I went back home. I was rubbing my stomach the whole car ride then I felt this sharp pain.

"oh my gosh corey we need to go to the hospital now!!! my water broke!!!" I said and corey made an exit off the freeway.

we made it safely to the hospital and they made me change into the hospital clothes.
"okay sarah you are ready to push now." the doctor said to me and I began pushing.

I grabbed onto corey's arm the whole time while trying to push the baby out.

"two more pushes." I pushed again two times then we started to hear the baby cry.

I looked at corey and smiled at him. "we did it." corey said and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"what is the name of the baby going to be?" the doctor said. corey and I have decided that the name is going to be mason. "mason." corey and I said at the same time.
"yeah she is sleeping right now but you can see the baby." I heard corey say as I was waking up.

"good morning everyone." I said while rubbing my eyes. "heyyy sis!!!" emma said wait what?!? "emma oh my goodness I missed you so much." I said while she gave me a hug.
after everyone left it was only the baby, corey, and I. "hey snapchat meet mason funk." corey said while filming me holding mason.

the nurses told us that we will be able to go home tomorrow which was good because the food here sucks.
a/n: hope you all enjoyed this chapter. have an amazing day/night awesome people. I love y'all so much.  -larissa💕

the party; c.fWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt