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sarah's pov:
the boys can be arriving an second now. mason and I were waiting for the boys at the airport right now. I just got a text from corey saying that they are walking at the front.

I was looking around then I saw corey and the others. mason and I ran to corey giving him a big hug. "I missed you guys so much." corey said while giving both of us a kiss on the forehead.
I made lunch for the boys and I while they were outside doing tricks on the scooter.

"lunch is ready." I said as I placed the plates outside on the table. the boys began to run and started to devour the food. "thanks sarah." they all said. "no problem."
after we were all done eating they went back home so it was only corey, mason, and I.

so you are probably wondering what about sammy? well sammy and stass both talked to each other and she forgave him.

"daddy can we go to the park today?" mason asked corey. "sure but lets ask mommy first okay?" corey said and mason came up to me. "mommy can we go to the park?" "sure buddy ANYTHING for you." I smiled.
after coming home from the park I took a shower while corey helped mason take a shower.

I changed into shorts and a black t shirt. my phone was ringing it was my mom. "hi mom is everything okay?" I asked her. "yes honey everything is fine but I just wanted to let you know that we are all going to meet up again to discuss more about the wedding." she said. "okay but does corey's mom and the others know?" I asked her. "yes I just called all of them." she said. "okay." I said. "I have to go now your dad is driving me crazy right now." we both laughed.
corey and I laid in bed watching a random movie that was on tv. "I love you so much." he said while wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you too." I smiled.

"wow! I can't believe it we are going to get married in a couple of months." I said excitedly. "me too. gosh I am one lucky guy." he smiled.

it was beginning to get late so I began to fall asleep while corey was still editing a video.

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