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Hey guys!!

So here is the introduction to this book. And remember if you want to read this book that you should read the first book, The Beginning Pt1. You can find it on my profile.

Anyways I hope you enjoy.


Picture- (Victoria)


(Victoria's Pov)

As sweat dripped off my temple and my aching body I could feel myself grow stronger. My inner and deepest thoughts tried its best to leak through the barrier I put up but I try my best to suppress it.

It’s been an entire year since the battle with Paul and a year since I got my powers. I’ve grown stronger since then due to the intense training and work out I do every single day.

But at this very moment my thoughts are trying to overpower me and the only thing that I know that can help me stop focusing on the issue is punching. So I took that opportunity by joining a boxing gym.

I imagined the sack of sand that is hanging right in front of my face as my problems and my fist as the solutions.

I poured out my heart and soul into the bag as I punched, kicked, and basically demolished the bag before it was ripped from the hook it hung from with its titanium steel cord and thrown across the room.

I smirked at the sight and glared at my doing.

The steel cord was sliced open as if it was butter, the hook was barely hanging onto the ceiling, and the bag was completely bruised with my punches and I could see the sand seeping through the material.

I walked on over to it and picked it up as if it weight nothing. I hauled it over my shoulder and walked on closer to the wall and replaced the bag with a new version of it and walked back to the hook and placed it on it.

I regain my focus and began punching the bag.

“I see that you’re avoiding your problems again.” I heard a familiar laughter come from my opposite direction.

I let my hands drop to my sides as I turned to see Amaris leaning on the door frame.

“I would be careful if I were you, I wouldn’t want anyone to see me pick up a punching bag that weighs a ton and toss it around like it weighs a feather.”

“Well I could care less what other people think of me right now.”

“Are you really that stress? Does it have to do with finals or something?”

I sighed dramatically as I removed the gloves that wrapped around my hands.

“You and I both know why I’m stress, I just don’t want to talk about it.”

I tossed the gloves into my gym bag as I walked on over to carry it around my shoulder grabbing my water and towel.

“I understand but you know you can’t keep yourself away from your problems forever, and I know that someone as strong as you can’t hide from it. It will eventually surface and you gonna face it no matter what.”

I wiped my sweat and drank my water within a matter of seconds.

“I know.” I walked on over to where she stood and looked up to her. “What are you doing here anyways?”

“Well since I’m your best friend I know that for a fact that you will be at gym.”

I just giggled as I pulled a sweater from my bag and wrapped it around my curvy frame as I walked outside to the freezing winter air hitting my face.

The Inner Voice Pt2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ