Chapter 14- Never mess around with Pie

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Hey guys

Sorry I haven't Updated in a while, I was busy with School and everything.

This chapter took me like 3 days to come up with it since I had writers block.

Well its updated so enjoy.



(Alex Pov.)

“B-But how? I thought you died for Victoria and went inside of her.”

Last time I saw Orah was when we were fighting Paul and his army, now she was standing right in front of us, naked.

She seemed different; in fact she kind of looked more like Victoria, just with blond hair and tanner skin.

“My energy and Victoria’s both mixed so I became a part of her, but she set me free to save me.”  She spoke with such dread.

“Save you? From who? Sam?” Jeffrey questioned.

I could feel my heart tighten at the sound of Sam’s name.

I felt myself losing control of my mind and the memories I tried to block out. Before I knew it my mind began to flashback and forth from Orah to the night Victoria came over to my house and hung out to see a movie.

Friday night was usually our movie night, and we would order a box of pizza and rent out the new releases from redbox or watch instantly on Netflix.

When we Victoria arrived at my house she seemed a bit nervous.

I simply had ignored it.

I had waited for the pizza to arrive until I took my place next to Victoria on the couch.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” I said concern since I could see her shaking and tears barley escaping from her beautiful stormy eyes.

“Huh?” She turns towards me quickly wiping away the tears. “It’s nothing Alex.”

Since I grew up in a house hold with 4 older sisters I knew well enough that when a girl said ‘Nothing is wrong’ there is definitely something wrong.

“Victoria,” I place my larger hands in hers, “What’s wrong? I know you, something is wrong, please talk to me?”

She looked down to our hands and gripped it tighter. I sat closer to her and she rested her head on my chest before tears started pouring down her face.

She started shouting and clutching my shirt in her fist and all I let her do was cry all over me as I rubbed circles on her back trying to sooth her.

I knew it had to do with the fact that she has been having nightmares of her death over and over again since we left Hashfire only a couple of weeks ago.

She always seemed paranoid, but she never talked about it.

After an hour Victoria finally calmed down and she pulled her head away from my chest and rested it on my shoulder. I held her in my arms and I could hear her slowly dozing off.

After another 30 minutes had passed I decided that maybe I could go heat up some pizza and eat it, since I was starving.

I slickly moved Victoria off my shoulder and laid her body flat on the couch, but as I walked on over to grab a slice I felt Victoria grab my arm.

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