Chapter 3- Awkward Silence

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So hey guys hope everyone is having an awesome New years Eve. I know I am. :)

My mom decide to make brisket and im having a lot of my family coming over to celebrate.

So im excited.

Well here is another chapter so enjoy.

Picture- (Black figure)


(Victoria’s Pov.)

For the rest of the day I spent looking for an outfit for my date tomorrow since I probably wouldn’t have time tomorrow with my friends being here and all.

I decided to go with a gray long sleeve sweater with pink skinny jeans along with a matching pink scarf and hand bag. Also my ankle high gray boots with pink stud earrings and bracelet along with my opal ring that could turn into my metal bracelet.

Now that I had that to the side I decided to go to bed early.

As my head the pillow I was instantly surrounded by black.


The sound of murmurs surrounded my body and I instantly opened my stormy gray eyes surrounded by my long eyelashes. As my eyes focused on my surroundings I began to realize where I was.

I was at my university.

That was weird I didn’t even remember coming here.

I rose to my feet and walked around. The sound of the murmurs grew louder with each step I took. Before I knew it I was at the steps of the university. There was crime scene tapes and polices everywhere.

“What going on?” I questioned one of the officers.

He turned in my direction and walked right through me.

“What the hell.”

I asked another officer and place my hand on his shoulder and instantly it went right through him.

They can’t see you.’ Orah spoke

Why?’ I questioned her.


I did as she said and listened.

“That is just horrible, how can someone commit suicide by jumping off a building.”

“Its just sad.”

“Maybe she was pushed.”

“No, there wasn't a sign of struggle, it’s definitely a suicide.”

Another suicide. What’s going on with these people?’

I don’t think they are suicides.’ Orah confessed.

Then what are they, I mean it really looks like a suicide.’

I’m afraid fear is in control of these situations and fear is the one causing it.’

What the hell is that supposed to mean?’

Orah sighed, ‘It means someone is causing fear to come in the minds of people.’

the smell…’

I sniffed the air.

Before Orah could reply I followed the scent and the scent was moving…fast.

I ran past everyone in my way and I could tell I was running towards the university instead of away.

As minutes went by the scent was fading. So I transformed to my flame self and again it was icy blue.

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