Chapter 7- Ideas

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Hey guys sorry I took longer than expected to post this chapter. I was planning to post it around 5pm but then I was making the picture to this chapter and writing it so I lost track of time. Again my apologies.

Please enjoy this chapter COMMENT & VOTE!!!

Picture-Everyone (Made a collage of how everyone looks like)

Longest chapter I wrote so far.


(Derek's Pov)

As I held my unconscious Angel in my arms I couldn't stop staring at her. I could have lost her during the car crash and right now to that black smoke.

I didn't know what to make of any of this. It was all too confusing.

Like her Flame form?

The words used to describe Victoria by her friends right after I told them I saw her burst into flames.

I knew I wasn't insane when they tried to hush Jeffrey up.

But who knows maybe it was my imagination, right?

I mean who can literally burst into flames and not get a single burn mark or even smell like fire?

But when I was in the car I was sure of what I saw, now not so much.

I held Victoria closer to my chest as I began to remember the accident.

That car came out of now where, like it just somehow popped right in front of us.

I tried to push the brakes but I got paranoid and hit the emergency brakes instead. That caused the car to flip forward many times.

And the way Victoria screamed my name out, I thought that was going to be the end of us, but then I saw Victoria glowing and then flames surrounded her body and as she got closer to me the flames consumed me.

I would have been afraid if it wasn't until Victoria placed a kiss on my lips and the flames embraced me in warm hug.

I smiled at the thought of Victoria as a real Angel sent from heaven to save me.

“We're here!” Yelled Amaris from the driver side.

I peeled my eyes from Victoria to see that we were at her apartment.

I hauled the door open before I stepped down from the car carrying Victoria with ease.

As I walked on over to the door to her apartment Amaris came running and opened the door for me.

Once inside I walked inside Victoria's room and placed her on the bed making sure she was comfortable.

Amaris knelt at her side and placed her hands on her face.

“She's really cold.” She admitted.

“I'll get some more blankets.” I yelled as I ran to the living room.

As soon as I ran to the couch and picked up the blankets I slept in from the night before, everyone of Victoria's friend who hadn't been here earlier arrived.

“Where is she?” Brenda questioned with a stern voice.

“She's in her room.” I answered before making my way towards her room and placing the blankets on her fragile frame.

“That won't help.” Brenda told us as she walked into the room and observed us.

“Why not! She is freezing cold, if we don't want her to get sick then we have to cover her.” I started becoming defensive over Victoria.

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