Chapter 4- Heights

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Hey guys :)

Hope you guys are having an awesome New years!!!

Its 2014 I cant believe it!! Yay!

So here is another chapter so enjoy!



(Alex’s Pov)

I haven’t seen Victoria in an entire year and as I stood there in the same room as her I couldn’t help but curse at myself for what I did to her.

I felt like the stupidest person in the world that night in the club. I didn’t know how I could make the mistake of kissing a girl and almost stripping her down as Victoria watched.

But now seeing her I could see that she is doing so much better without me and that I ruined my only good chance.

I know that Victoria is the type of girl who is traumatized from her last long relationship, and I don’t know how I that idiotic to hurt her after I promised her I wouldn't.

After hearing about Derek I could feel the venom that is in my stomach bubble, I just hope he is good to her or I swear I would hurt him.

“What!” Victoria jumped up.

I was too busy in my thoughts that I wasn’t listening to what the reporter on the TV had said.

“You mean to tell me that I had a dream of the suicide from last night.” She whisper to herself.

Before anyone could reply Victoria quickly ran out the door into her room and out the front door.

“I think someone should follow her before she does anything stupid.” Amaris exclaimed.

“I’ll do it.” I quickly said before walking out the door to see Victoria turning her car on.

I ran to the passenger side and got in.

“What are you doing?” She cursed at me.

“I'm not letting you go out there alone.” I admitted.

She rolled her eyes and reversed and exited the complex area.

After 20 minutes in the car surrounded by awkward silence we finally arrived at her university.

“Wow, this place is huge and beautiful.”

“I know.” Was all she said as she hopped out the car and ran towards the school.

I followed her like a lost puppy, until we came to a stop that was surrounded by police tape.

She rose her face into the air and sniffed, I did as well and all I could smell was the scent of blood and magic.

Her face lit up as she looked towards the sky.

“I want to go check out the roof.” She confessed.

I looked at her with disbelief.

“Well we can’t go up there with all these polices everywhere.”

Her right eyebrow rose up as she smirked. She grabbed my hand and hauled me into the janitor closet.

“What are we doing in here?” I questioned her.

She ignored me as she grabbed the beautiful opal ring that was around her ring finger, and held on to it as it transformed into the metal bracelet from last summer.

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