Chapter 2- FBI Buisness

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Hey guys how are you?

Well here is another chapter so enjoy.

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Picture-(Scott Mason and Adam Reed)


(Victoria’s Pov.)

It’s been a couple of days since the police found the body in my next door neighbor complex.

So far they know that it was a suicide, but I don’t think so. After they left that day I walked pass the house and smelled the scent of magic.

I didn’t know or heard of a 24 year old newlywed man drowning themselves, especially in a sink.

I just knew something wasn’t right.

“Where are you going?” Amaris questioned me as she saw me walking out the door.

“Im going to go ask the widow if she knows anything.”

“You cant just go ask her questions especially after her husband just died 2 days ago. Shit they still haven’t had the funeral yet.”

“Your right I guess I’m going to have to disguise myself.”

Before she said anything I pulled out my opal ring that was around my finger. As I touched it, it immediately morphed into the metal bracelet I made last summer.

I held it tight and instantly I began to glow opal.

After a couple of minutes I was in a FBI uniform.

“What the hell did you do to your face?”Amaris laughed.

I looked at her questioningly. I turned my head to the right where a mirror stood.

I nearly almost screamed.

I was at least a 6’2 feet tall white male with a clean cut and with my same stormy gray eyes.

I was dressed in a nicely fitted black suit.

I stuck my hand down my pocket on my jacket and pulled out an FBI badge and ID.

“My name is Scott Mason.” I said in a deeper and huskier voice. “Shit, I completely morphed myself.”

I place my hand all over my body being amazed at the good job the bracelet did.

“Dude I think this might work!” Amaris gave me a high five.

“You know what will work more, if I had a partner.”

Before Amaris had time to react and run off I grabbed hold of her arm and forced the bracelet in her hands.

She immediately morphed into a 6 feet scrawny yet good looking white male with her hair neatly combed back.

She was dressed in the same attire as I was and she pulled out a badge and ID from her jacket pocket.

“My name is Adam Reed. What the hell did you do to me?!”

“Come on we don’t have enough time let’s go.”

I pulled Amaris I mean Adam's hand and pushed him out the door.

We walked on over to the neighbors complex and knocked.

Immediately my nose began to twitch at the scent of magic.

After a couple of seconds the door open revealing a women who had bags under her red puffy eyes. At the sight I could tell she looked miserable.

“Hi I am Scott Mason and this is my partner Adam Reed we are here to ask you questions about the death of your Husband, Jason Anderson.” Amaris and I held out our ID’s and Badges.

“Please come in.” She softly said trying not to cry again.

We both walked in and she introduced us to her couch. We sat down as she sat across from us in the armchair.

“Can you please tell us what exactly happen her please?” Amaris aka Adam spoke.

“Well I came home from work from the office early and I opened the front door and heard water running. I called out to Jason but he didn’t respond back. So I followed the sound of the water, and that’s when I found him in the kitchen with his head in the sink and 50 lbs lifting bar with a chain around his neck as water over flowed the sink. I immediately ran to him and removed the chain from his neck but it was too late.” She was sobbing now.

I could feel my eyes turning into a faint color of purple as I spoke.

“Ms. Anderson, everything will be alright. It’s not your fault that he is dead so don’t blame yourself. Now can you tell us more about your husband please?”

She instantly calmed down and looked at me.

“He was a loving and caring man who shouldn’t have killed himself. I have no idea why he would do that he seemed so happy. Except for these past couple of days.”

“What do you mean by these last couple of days?” I spoke.

“Well when Jason was little around 4 he drowned at his local pool, but his parents got him out in time before he died, but ever since then he’s been afraid of swimming and the sight of large amounts of water scares him. And for these past couple of days he would say that he had nightmare of drowning again. And then he drowned in the sink.”

“Thank you for your time and we are sorry for you loss.” I said as my man hands went on her shoulder instantly I could feel the relief that surged through her body.

By the time Amaris walked back into our apartment we instantly morphed back into our normal selves.

“I’ve got to admit that was so freakin cool.” Amaris said as she stood their looking at her face in the mirror.

I stayed quiet as I processed everything that Ms. Anderson just said. His most terrified fear came to life and he died because of it, was my conclusion.

“Victoria are you prepare for tomorrow?” Amaris hesitantly asked.

“For my date im not sure I think im gonna need help finding an outfit.” I admitted to her.

“No not that.”

I began to think.

“There coming tomorrow aren’t they.”




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The Inner Voice Pt2On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara