Chapter 15- Ring of Fire

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Hey guys.

I'm in happy mood. School got cancel!!! Well at least for today due to the ice weather.

Anyways... I had time to write and post a quick chapter so enjoy

Picture-( Derek VS Sam)


(Derek’s Pov)

She was dressed in nothing but black which made her blend perfectly well with her dark surroundings. Her beautiful yet stunning features were replaced with ones that expressed depression and darkness.

“Victoria?” I choked out still in shock.

“Hey Derek, long time no see.” She grinned exposing her pitch black eyes.

“Derek, she’s just like Amaris, be careful.” Alex whispered as my face turn red from anger.

“Oh no need to whisper Alex, I can still hear you.”  Victoria laughed.

“What happen?” I questioned her.

“Oh the best thing in the world, I grew stronger thanks to Mona and Sam.”

“Where is Mona?” Jackson yelled out.

“She’s occupied at the moment, but Sam, he’s right there.” She pointed behind us.

“Hey jerks!”

Words cannot describe that feeling I have towards Sam. Hatred? Disgust? Everything about him was bad news and I could slowly feel myself losing control.

“Look Victoria there’s the guys I took you away from!” Sam smirked pointing at me.

Victoria only laughed.

I lost it.

I lunged my body at Sam and started punching the hell out of him.

Victoria just watched as a smile formed on her face.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Victoria lifted her hands in my direction. Just when her fingers started glowing black an ice block ripped out the ground and blocked the dark magic Victoria was using.

I turn to see Alex staring at me before turning back at Victoria.

I was too busy looking at Victoria who snapped her fingers and a ring of black fire surrounded Alex, Jackson, and Juan, that I didn’t see Sam shift from right under my grasp and punch me across the face.

I flew back and shattered the ice block that was once use to protect me only to find shards of it plunging into my skin.

I wanted to yell out in pain but I didn’t want to show any weakness.

I could feel my eyes glowing icy blue and my inner flame wanting to be released. Sam who was walking over to me grabbed me by my shirt and brought me to his face.

“You need to forget about Victoria! She’s mine!” He spat in my face.

“Like she would ever love you, you worthless piece of shit.”

“That’s not what she said last night when I took her right in front of me.”

My heart began to ache.

Anger consumed my whole body and I knew that if I let it I wouldn’t be able to contain myself, but I released it either way.

Blue flames wrapped itself around my body and before I knew it I grabbed Sam by the throat burning his flesh and lunged into the air.

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