Chapter 13- No control

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Hey everyone!!

Well here is a new chapter but its a bit shorter than the others.

Its also not edited so please forgive me.

Picture- Victoria's eyes


(Victoria’s Pov.)

Its been hours since I let Orah out of my body, I actually thought it wasn’t possible but since the past year I’ve been feeding some power to her. I guess it helped a lot seeing that she was back in her magnificent colors again.

From what I could tell it was the morning, perhaps pass breakfast.

I was completely drain but lucky I still had some of the power before I became the flame person, but it’s not as powerful. Sadly I feel like I let my friends down, again.

I just hope where ever Orah is she will be fine.

“Well nice to see you’re awake.” Mona said as she entered the hospital chambers where she tied me up on the hospital bed.

I didn’t respond.

“Not talking, huh. Well, that’s fine since in a couple of minutes you’ll be screaming.”

I snapped my head in her direction.

“What are you planning to do to me?” I had a stern look plastered on my face.

“Since your idiotic self-set Orah free you’re not really considered a guardian anymore, but you’re still useful to me.”

She turned her attention from me to some medical equipment that was lying on a table. She grabbed a bottled that contains a mysterious liquid and mixed it with other liquid until it was a nasty black color. She smiled at the bottled and felt accomplished. She turns to me and shook the bottle in her hand.

“Soon you’re gonna be my little puppet.”

I shook my head a no. She was gonna inject that stuff into me.

What was it going to do?

I didn’t want to find out, so I began struggling on the bed.

She saw that I was struggling and quicken her pace. She closed her eyes and said some words in an old language, I soon recognized it as black magic.

Adrenaline was pumping in my veins and before I knew it, I pulled myself free from the belt that was wrapped around my arms. I quickly sat up and undid the belt that was wrapped around my legs.

Mona who was doing her dark magic didn’t see me as I jumped from the bed and sprinted out the door.

The last thing I saw was her grabbing a needle and inserting the black liquid in it and sprinting after me.

I ran passed so many hospital doors and I could hear Mona’s footstep right behind me. I had to think fast.

After a couple of seconds of thinking I thought maybe I could do what I haven’t done in a while.

I pushed my body through some double doors and ran to the end of the hall way where a bathroom was located. I turned my feet around just in time to face Mona who just entered the doors.

I inhaled deeply and concentrated.

I could hear her getting louder as she approached, but as I opened my eyes a full blown headache appeared and I lifted me hand in her direction. Instantly she stopped and as I moved my hands her body would move the same way. I gained control of the blood in her system. I made her drop the needle and made her crouched down in an uncomfortable position on the floor.

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