Chapter 16- The Black Angel

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Hey guys!!!!

So this is gonna be a pretty short chapter but I need a filler.

Hope you guys like :)

Picture- Black Angel


(Victoria’s Pov.)

I didn’t mean to do it.

I didn’t want to cause so much pain.

Its just I couldn’t control myself, my body has a mind of its own.

I scream and it to stop but it’s as if I’m yelling at a brick wall, it’s as if my brain isn’t sending signals, it’s as if I’m looking at myself hurting the people I love and not being able to do anything about it.

Ever since I was injected with that disgusting black liquid, I have no control.

That night I slept with Sam, and no matter how hard I screamed or how tears couldn’t stop pouring down my face I couldn’t stop. It was just horrible and I felt utterly helpless and pathetic.

I felt even worse we he whispered in my ear as our bodies were hidden under the bed sheets that he loved me. I wanted to just spit in his face and laugh it off but instead of doing what I wished I repeated those horrible words again.

“I love you too.”

After that long horrible night I found out that I couldn’t sleep at all, all I can do is just watch myself in Sam’s arms.

Oh how I wish that it was Derek who was holding onto me, saying that he loves me, and having a wonderful night.

But no, life sucks.

As soon as the sun crept into my room I jumped out of bed and got dressed.

I stepped out of my room and went to look for Mona for our attack today against my friends. We were going to make them just like me.


I couldn’t stop and when we finally arrived at the place Mona said my friends were at I knew that horrible things were going to happen.

And as if I could see the future I was right.

Mona had planned to take Brenda since she has her pure white form, if she were to turn evil I don’t think there will be any way to stop Mona.

When Mona attacked Brenda it turns out that Amaris was the one who took the shot and became a part of Mona’s puppet show.

I just wonder if Amaris was experiencing what I’m experiencing.

(Amaris Pov.)

Where the hell am I?

What the hell am I doing?

Ever since Mona poisoned me with that black liquid I lost complete control of my body.

It feels like I’m in a cage in the back of my head with no way of escaping. My wings pinned up against a wall as blood oozed from it, my body beaten and cuts on my face. In the inside I was a mess but on the outside I looked perfectly normal except for my black wings and black eyes.

I could see fear across my friend’s faces as I attacked them. I wanted to stop, but there was no way.

After I left Jackson’s house my body took me somewhere that I had no clue.

The abandon hospital was surrounded by pine trees that were covered in snow and it looked like the only way to get to the house was by walking through the trees. There was no road leading to the hospital. At least not anymore.

When I landed the snow scattered everywhere and I fell to my knees and took a deep breath as my black wings went back into my back.

When I was finished I stood up and walked over to the house and entered through the front door that was already unlocked.

The hospital was freezing cold but for some reason it didn’t bother me.

All rooms were deserted and pitch black. If I was the one controlling my body I would have ran out the door by now. But since I wasn’t I continued walking down the dark hall ways.

When I made to the end of the hall way I entered through some double doors and found Mona running around and grabbing medical supplies.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in a stern voice that I didn’t recognize

“Sam, he’s hurt, its really bad.” She grabbed a heart monitor and ran to a room that was nearby.

I followed her, and saw Victoria grabbing hold of Sam’s hand while tears were falling down her face.

What is wrong with her?

He abused her, beat her, and left her in the dust?

Why should she care?

As all these questions filled my head Victoria snapped her head in my direction and her stormy eyes turned black in an instant.

I peeled my eyes away from Victoria as Sam winced in pain.

As I stared at him I began realizing how badly hurt he was. He had melted skin on his throat and had burn marks all over his body, bruises were forming on his jaw and other parts from his face, I was guessing from Derek, and he was having difficulty breathing.

“Mona, is he can gonna make it?” Victoria asked in an angry voice.

“I don’t think so, he is suffering from the burn marks across his throat, we are gonna need a miracle if he survives.” She said not caring how her words hurt Victoria.

“We can’t let him die! There has to be some way!” Victoria screamed.

My body had thought of an idea before I even realized it and as I spoke out I wanted to scream at myself for saying anything at all.

“Maybe we can grab someone who can heal themselves. With a bit of their blood we can inject it into Sam’s system and he could heal.”

“Okay, so who can heal?” Mona asked looking at me.

“Not me.”

Mona then looked at Victoria.

“I can heal but it still takes time.” She scrunched her face as if trying to remember who could.

After a couple of minutes she shot out of her chair and had a dark expression across her face.

“Juan.” Was all she said as she ran out of the hospital.


Sorry its so short.

What do you think is going to happen?




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