Chapter 20- Unexpected

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hey guys so  here is another chapter and I hope that you like it since it took me a while to write.

Sorry but its not edited, I was in a hurry.

Picture (Orah flames)


(Victoria’s Pov)


I gasp as I saw Mona had black eyes while her hands were in the air and Sam clutching his heart and screaming in pain.

She was killing him like how she killed me last summer.

I couldn’t take it anymore and felt like I lost control and I sprinted straight towards Mona and tackled her into the ground.

I pinned her down as I started punching the hell out of her.

Blood was oozing from all over her body and I didn’t care, I wanted to draw blood.

I was feeling like an animal, and wanted to stop but couldn’t.

She fought back but wasn’t a match against me at this moment.

After a while she managed to grab hold of my hair but I only used this as an opportunity and grabbed her head and with all my force plunged it into the concrete floor repeatedly.

Then out of a sudden the world went silent.

Mona lay lifeless on the floor with blood oozing from the back of her head.

I turn my head and stared at Sam who was in the same condition on the opposite side of the room.

“Sam?” I cried out.

I ran to him and couldn’t hear a heartbeat. I placed my fingers to his neck to find a pulse but there wasn’t any.

Mona had killed him and now I brutally murdered Mona.


“Sam come on wake up!”

“Please Sam, you can’t die on me!”

Tears were falling down my face as I kept on giving Sam CPR. Yes he was a jerk to me, but I still had feelings for him and I remember those feelings even though I don’t feel the same way now.

After 15 minutes passed I finally settled down and let it sunk in that Sam was gone.

I rose from the ground and stared at Mona’s beaten up body. I walked on over to her and placed my fingers under her jaw for a pulse.


I burst out crying.

Im a murder.

I killed someone

How could I take a life?

I was too busy balling out all over the floor that I didn’t see someone come from behind and pushed me against the floor.

They repeatedly punched me over and over again and I barely got a glance before they started throwing my body all over the place and passing out.

It was Paul.

I have a major headache right now.

After the beating Paul gave me he also managed to smash my head against the floor and through some glass windows. But since Juan’s blood circulates through my body it healed pretty well but I still feel sore.

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