Chapter 12

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Maya's POV

"Maya....I need to tell you something." His words repeat in my head. I'm nervous of what he has to say. Does he not want to be friends anymore? Oh my gosh! That's why he brought flowers he felt bad so he bought me flowers! No Maya, don't jump to conclusions. Just listen to Lucas and see what he has to say. "Yes, Lucas?" I ask. "This is super hard to say...but I never liked Riley this way." He says nervously. "You never liked her this way?" "No." "Whats 'this way?'" I ask. "Okay...I'll just go out and say it... Maya Penelope Hart...I'm in love with you." He says. A huge smile spreads across my face and my cheeks start to blush. "I..I'm in love with you, Lucas. I always have been..I've been hiding it forever. Ever since I met you it was love at first sight, but Riley thought that it was that way with you I've been hiding it." I say. I stand up and he starts walking towards me. He puts his hands on my cheeks and closes his eyes and starts leaning in. He's going to kiss me. The moment I've waited for since the second I saw him.

"WAIT!" I say. He jumps and backs away. "Yes Maya?" "What about Riley? She's my best friend and I couldn't hurt her this way." "I didn't tell you what happened." He says. "What?" He takes a deep breathe and sighs. "I was walking down to Topangas to go talk to them and as I was walking down the street I saw them by some roses and Farkle gave Riley a rose...after that...he leaned in and kissed her. I saw the whole thing. She cheated." He says. "Lucas, that was Farkle kissing Riley." I argue. "No I wasn't finished..after he kissed her she stared at him in shock. After a second of realizing he kissed her, she kissed him." He says. I can't believe the words that just came out of his mouth. My best friend cheated on the best guy I know. But I can't stop but think for a moment, Riley wouldn't cheat, she's a goodie goodie she wouldn't.

"Lucas are you lying to me?" I ask. "Maya, I would never lie to you! I can't believe she would do it either but she did. I would still be with her if I didn't know that...except I needed to break up with her anyways...I wasn't happy being with her. It seemed like it was a fairytale. Everything seemed like it was a script. Plus I'm in love with you and I couldn't help it." He says. "Okay....I trust you." I whisper. "Thank you." He says and puts his hands on my cheeks and starts leaning in. This is it. The moment I really have been waiting for since the second I saw him, except this time. I let him kiss me. His lips meet mine and I like the feeling.

We let each other go and smile at each other. "Maya?" "Yes?" "I know this is just happening but will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. My smile drops for a moment. "What is it?" "Lucas, when did you break up with her?" "This morning." "That's too fast!" "Maya, this is different, she cheated on me. It should take a while to get over, but I'm in love with you and I've waited to be with you for so long I just can't help it." He says. I look into his blue eyes and they make me smile. "Yes." I say. There's a confused look. "Yes what?" "Yes...I'll be your girlfriend." I say with a smile. He kisses me again but this time it's better. Its more passionate. This is what I want.

We keep kissing until the door opens, well... we ignored it for a moment but then we realized who it was. "Lucas, Maya?!" Riley and Farkle ask. We release each other and stare. "What? What's going on?" Farkle asks. "Lucas told me what happened and asked me to be his girlfriend." I reply. " cheated on me and I realized I wasn't happy with you. I still love you as a friend but I didn't like you that way." Lucas says looking at me. "I'm in love with Maya...and I think this is what I want." He says that last part grabbing my hand. "Can we all still be friends?" Lucas asks. "Of course we can be friends come here!" Riley says and we have a group hug. "I've missed this." I say with a smile. "Me too." They all say. We all release each other and smile and giggle for a while. "Let's take a picture gang!" I cheer. We all huddle and I reach my arm out to take a picture. I take about two and then a nurse walks in. "Ma'am would you care taking a picture of us?" I ask politely. "Of course!" She says and we all pose for the picture. "Smile!" She says and we all smile for the picture. After she takes about four we look at them.

"I love you guys." I say as we all sit on my bed. "And we love you." Riley replies. For the rest of the night they help me pack and get ready to leave for tomorrow. After we pack we looked and admired the pictures of us. Inside I was a little sad my mom never came to see me, but that just tells me something. This just tells me that the most important people who truly love and support me are right here in this room.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Okay who watched Hairspray Live? Can I just say (this is MY opinion) it was AMAZING! I loved it so much it was so much fun to watch! I was actually in the okay Hairspray Jr. so I knew like all the words to the songs and some of the dance moves it was just so much fun. Anyway, I will post the next chapter early if we can get 5 votes so let's get 5 votes and I'll post it the day I get them. Also thank you guys so much for 500 views! I love you all so much but this is getting way too long so yeah. Thanks readers!

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