Chapter 21

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Mayas POV

At the police station I see the officer I talked to earlier, the one who arrested the kidnapper. "Hey Officer!" I call as we approach him. "Hey, I remember you from earlier this afternoon." he says. "Yeah, officer...Buckley." I say looking at his name tag. "So what can I help you with now?" he asks with a friendly smile. "Well, the little boy who was kidnapped earlier. Before he was alone walking on the streets of New York, he was at home. His parents were fighting, his mom pulled out what Tommy thinks was a gun and aimed it at his dad. His dad told him to run so he meant to come here to ask if you guys would make sure his parents were okay, but then the whole kidnapper situation happened. So we were wondering if you and maybe even a couple more officers would come and investigate the apartment and see if his father is still alive." I say. "Yeah we'd love to. I'll get Johnson, and Dimond to come with us." officer Buckley says. "Okay, thank you guys so much! I'm Maya Hart, and this is my boyfriend Lucas Friar." I say introducing him. "Hi." Lucas greets and they shake hands.

"Alright so Maya if you could show us the way to this apartment building that'd be great! I'll go get some supplies we could use at the scene and grab the guys and get going." he says. "Sounds good!" Lucas replies and we head out to the truck. 10 minutes later, Buckley, Dimond, and Johnson are in the police car ready to go and they follow us there. Once we get to the apartment building, we all park and head in. We all meet in the elevator and we go up to the second floor. Lucas shows them to the door that Tommy told us was his. "It's this one." Lucas points out. "Alright." Buckley says and knocks on the door to make sure anyone is there. "Hello?" "Anyone home?" He asks. There is no answer. "Okay, let's get it open boys." Buckley says and all of them getting in stance with their gear on to break open the door. Lucas and I stand back and he stands in front of me. He's cute when he's protective.

"1, 2, 3!" Buckley shouts and the 3 cops bust open the door. They look back at us and motion us to come into the apartment. We walk in and there's blood all over the floor. There's chairs and furniture torn up and flipped over. It looks like a tornado came into here or something. Glass is broken, shelves tipped over, torn books and pages, even Tommy's toys, but the worst of all is the body in the middle of the floor. We walk over to it and the man looks just like an older version of Tommy. But this guy is dead. There's a bullet in his stomach. It must be his father. And Tommy's mother on the floor next to him caressing his face. She's wearing a plaid blue shirt and skinny jeans. Tommy's dad wearing a suit. She completely ignores our presence. I start to cry at Tommy's dad lying on the floor. He's going to be devastated."Ma'am please step away from the body." Dimond says. She stares at them for a minute then gets back to caressing his face without saying a word. "Step away from the body." Dimond says in a harsh tone pulling out his gun. All of the cops aim their guns at her in case she tries anything.

"No." She answers. She pulls out a gun and aims it at Dimond. Lucas shoves me behind him. "Lady, do what the guy says, let's not lose our heads here." Lucas says trying to calm the woman, slowly coming closer and closer to her. She aims the gun at Lucas. "Stop!" I shot and get in front of him. "Maya, what are you doing?" Lucas asks. I don't answer to him. "Please listen to them. This can go easy all you have to do is put the gun down and back away from the body." I say stepping closer. Lucas puts his hands over his mouth and starts to silently cry. "Maya, get away from her." Lucas says. "Really?" Tommy's mom asks standing up slowly. I nod with a small smile. "All you have to do. Back away from the body and drop the gun. That's it." I say. She lowers her gun, she doesn't drop it but it's not aimed at the floor. I watch as her finger slips away from the trigger. About to drop it. Her arm tenses up and she shoots officer Dimond. "No!" I scream and Johnson and Buckley shoot Tommy's mother multiple times. I cry and drop to the floor. "No! Why couldn't you just listen to him!" I scream at her now dead body. Lucas wraps me into him and I sob.

The officers get down next to Dimond and they call an ambulance. "What do we do we need to investigate?" Buckley asks Johnson. "You to watch him and make sure he's okay until the ambulance gets here. Buckley and I will take a look at the both of them and call services to take the body." Johnson says. I nod still sobbing and Lucas and I scoot toward Dimond. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay. The ambulance is coming." I say comforting Dimond even though he probably can't hear me. I lay my head against his chest and listen for a heartbeat. I hear one but it's faint. Not good. Immediately I hear ambulance sirens. I immediately jump up. "They're here." Lucas says and he grabs me and we run outside the apartment. EMT's run up the stairs with a gurney. "In here!" Lucas and I shout so they know he's in here. They nod and run into the room, they lift Dimond onto the gurney and put a bunch of machines on him. "What about those two?" An EMT asks us. "They're gone for sure, he still has a chance." Johnson says. They nod and take Dimond out of the the apartment and take him carefully to the ambulance. "What do we do?" I ask Buckley. "We'll call services to take care of the bodies, you two get back home to the kid and tell him the news. Let me get your guys contacts so we can call you." Buckley says.

We give him our emails and numbers and we drive to my apartment. Lucas drives as I cry in the passenger seat. "Babe, everything is going it be okay. Please don't cry." He asks. "How are we supposed to tell him that his mom shot his dad then his mom shot an officer and they shot back at her making her dead?" I ask harsh. "I don't know. It's going to be hard but we need to calm down." Lucas says. "Okay, I'm sorry." I say. How are we going to tell Tommy?

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