Chapter 12- Best Frenemies

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The sun barely peaked out of my window as I opened my eyes. It was around 6:30 when my alarm went off off and I waited a few minutes before groaning and rolling out of bed. Getting up early these days hasn't gotten any easier, but at least I had something more than writing by the beach to look forward to.

A smile was still plastered on my face as I thought about yesterday and I blushed just remembering how he kissed me. How he admitted he wanted me from the beginning. It all seemed too good.

I hadn't seen Sam yet- when I got into my room last night she was gone. I figured I would see her during breakfast to tell her the good news, but for now, it was off to the back porch to work on my story. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before I grabbed my laptop that I had placed under the bed. Then, I quietly stepped downstairs to grab a coffee and find my familiar spot on the stairs.

Let's see, where should I start? I wondered as I opened my laptop to the last part of my story. My thoughts felt jumbled; like I had too much ideas to type into my word document.

She knew his heart would be hers, if she could only kiss him once.

I glanced back at the story. Traces of AJ had inspired it, which made me sick to my stomach. I started to delete certain lines before closing out the document and opening up a new one. I needed to brainstorm. I needed inspiration.

"Hi." I jumped, startled by the sudden voice behind. "Sorry, I always end up sneaking up on you." I felt relieved as I recognized the voice to be Codi's. He sat down next to me, the familiar scent of coconut sunscreen wavering into my noise.

"Morning." I turned to him. Messy haired and half asleep, he was absolutely adorable.

"Morning beautiful." He gave me a peck on the lips before sneaking a sip of my coffee. "Having trouble?"

"Yeah I had to start all over and- wait a minute. How did you know I was having trouble?" I questioned him.

"I was watching you for a few minutes. I'm surprised you didn't notice."

"Stalker," I teased. "But yeah. I'm trying to find some inspiration." He nodded in agreement as if he understood before he stood up.

"Well when you find some, let me know." He winked before taking off. I watched him grab his blue surfboard with two black stripes. Then, he disappeared into the sea, like he was never there. 

As the sun began to rise, I began to write. I wrote stupid shit at first, and then poetry. It had been a while since I had written poetry; I was quite surprised at myself for even trying. Although, when I was done, I realized I wasn't half bad.

I made my way into the house an hour later to wash up and change. As I was finishing the last touches on my hair, I heard a knock on my door.

It must be Sammi.

I swung open the door with a huge smile on my face only to be greeted by Codi again.

"You seem disappointed."

"Not disappointed, just... I thought you were Sammi," I explained. "Anyways... what do you want?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Well." He stepped forward before continuing his sentence. "Everyone's sitting down for breakfast, including your friend Sammi and my roommate AJ. So I'm telling you breakfast is ready and escorting you safely to the dinner table so you won't have to suffer the awkwardness alone." The thought of AJ made my whole body freeze. I didn't know how to break the news to Sammi. I didn't even know where to start.

"You're really making up for your past time as an asshole huh?" I joked, half of me changing the subject and the other half trying not freak out.

"Yes. Is it working??"

"Maybe." He laced his hand into mine before giving it a little squeeze. "But it benefits me more so you can help me not to punch that fuck face again." I laughed but I knew he was being completely serious. I followed him down the stairs until we reached two seats next to each other. As I scooted in closer to the table, I looked up to find everyone staring at us. For a couple of seconds we sat and ate in silence, until Jude broke the awkwardness.

"Okay this silence is killing me. Can I just go ahead and say I knew it?! Because I totally did," he bragged.

"What are you talking about Jude?" Codi asked, sounding extra annoyed.

"Oh you know... I TOLD YOU YOU LIKED HER DUDE AND YOU TOTALLY DENIED IT AND NOW LOOK AT YOU." He let out a booming cackle as Bryson joined in.

"He so called it." He high fived Jude. "But anyways congrats man... when's the wedding?"

Codi rolled his eyes. "You guys are idiots." I listened to Jude and Bryson go back and forth with Codi for a while until I realized Sammi had not said a word at the table. It was unlike her, and I didn't know if I should have been the first to say something. Her arm was wrapped around AJ's, who was wearing a bandage over his nose. I guessed that AJ hadn't let anyone know about the incident last night. I eyed her until she finally looked back, but the most peculiar thing happened. She didn't wave or smile at me. Something was off.

"Sam can I talk to you in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Fine," she answered nonchalantly. Before getting up, Codi tugged on my hand.

"I'll be okay," I reassured him. I followed her into the kitchen until the voices at the table were mere whispers. She stood in front of the sink, crossing her arms with no trace of emotion on her face. "What's your problem today Sam? You seem out of it."

"I don't know why don't you tell me boyfriend stealer," she snapped. "AJ told me what happened."

"Whatever AJ told you was a lie."

"Oh? So you didn't kiss him?"

"Well, I did, the first time but-"

This time, she blew up. I saw rage and jealously fill her face. "How am I suppose to believe anything you say?! You're supposed to be my best friend!! What kind of best friend seduces my boyfriend!!" Is that what AJ told her? What a complete lie.

"First of all, before he was your boyfriend he came on to me. He didn't even like you to begin with. Stop bitching because he was the first guy that choose me over you. And yes I kissed him, because I was drunk!! I know that's no excuse, but damn what he did and wanted to do was way worse. I was gonna tell you..."

"But you didn't," she spat. "You kept your little secret to yourself. It's funny how I only knew because AJ told me. He told me all about you coming onto him yesterday night and how Codi punched him because he was jealous!"

I laughed harder than I should have after that statement. She gave me the meanest bitch face I had ever seen in our entirety of being friends.

"Is that what he told you? That I came on to him?"

"Well it's the truth! Why would I believe your word over his??"

"BECAUSE I'M-" I lowered my voice, aware that I was now shouting. "Because I'm your best friend. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the kiss but you have to trust me AJ is NOT a good guy." I may have offended her, but I was just looking out for her.

"You're a lying, manipulative bitch Brianna. AJ treats me like a princess. He's done everything right and gave us a place to stay. Why do you keep lying? Why can't you just admit-"

"He tried to rape me." The words came out like glass cutting my throat. Tears became to form from my eyes and they trickled down before I could even repeat the words. "He tried to rape me."

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