Make It

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"Two thousand", I silently whispered to myself. I looked at the piles of money on my queen sized bed in my new one bedroom apartment.There was four piles of two thousand dollars, I had eight thousand dollars I earned, for myself . Damn. Before I left work last night, Icy came down to the dressing room and collected two thousand from each girl, and of course three thousand from me. I wasn't trippin though, I have eight thousand to make up for that.

It was twelve in the afternoon, I couldn't believe how early I was up, I didn't get home till five this morning, I was just so excited about counting this money.

I made myself pre made pancakes and sat in my living room and thought about what I was going to do with my money.

Community College. I thanked Money that he let me stay in high school til i graduated, even though it was only because the state would come looking for me and i got easy customers that way. I thought about what i wanted to do with my life, i certainly didn't want to stay a stripper forever.

When I was younger, my daddy used to plant flowers all around his small apartment we shared when i was around eight. I remember struggling with this big tin can, hauling it outside to water the plants every morning from the third floor. I remember it being tons of plants in our apartment, my daddy said plants bring fresh air.

I shook the thoughts from my head and dialed the cab company number, I had to things to do.


"Thank you", I smiled at the cab driver as he helped me bring the last of my things into my apartment.

"Thank god you live on the first floor", he commented. The man placed the last plant on my kitchen counter top and tipped his dirty New York Yankees hat towards me. "Have a good day mam". I thanked him again and locked the door behind the man.

I carefully placed my new coach bag i recently purchased from the coach store on the love seat.

I placed my spider plant in the serving window and took down the fake one and tossed it in the little white garbage can under the sink. I placed the mother in law's tongue plant in my bathroom, and placed my Chrysanthemum's on the glass living room table and window seal, the place already felt fresh. Last but certainly not least, I placed my Chinese evergreen plant by the door, I was in love with all of them, sort of like a a connection with them.

Now, it was time to put my clothes and hygienic things away. I stocked under my bathroom sink pads and summers ever washes to one corner that I had gotten from a near by Walmart. On the other side, I stacked my bathroom cleaning tools that I had also gotten from Walmart. Matter fact, all my cleaning supplies came from Walmart.

Walking into the kitchen, I did the same underneath the cabinets, stocking new pots and pants. They were cheap but they were for right now anyway.

After I stocked my bathroom and kitchen and watered all my plants, I dragged all my new clothes from the living room to my room.

"What a workout", I mumbled as i started hanging everything up. I planned on buying more shoes than the two new pair i had recently purchased, I had the cab filed up from the front to the back with everything i had brought.

As I decorated my mahogany dresser with bed and body works lotions and Victoria Secret sprays and such, I thought about how I was going to be a freshmen student a the local community college not to far from my place. I registered for business management, I wanted to open my own flower shop and was planning on doing it the legal way, also, having a degree under my belt and finishing colleges was definitely a plus.



"Theres some ballers here tonight girl", said my girl Sharice.

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