Chapter 27

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My neck was stiff, it ached as I tried to unglue myself from Ty. I must have spent all night leaning on him as my body was still attached to his. Raising my head softly I peered over at Tyler who was still in a deep sleep, his chest was routinely falling and rising and taking my body with him. He was letting out small sighs that were synchronised with the songs of the morning birds outside. Tyler's cheeks looked so soft and chubby, I was fighting the urge to squeeze them, but it was too much.

"Hey!" Tyler squealed as he swatted my hands away, "What was that for?"

"Morning baby!" I teased as I wriggled away from his chest and rested my back on my headboard. I rubbed at my neck in attempt to soothe the pain - Tyler noticed.

"Are you okay?" he cooed as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

"Yeah, my neck hurts from cuddling but it was worth it"

"I hate you so much"

"You didn't tell me to not call you baby this time" a playful grin presented itself onto my face.

"Whatever" Tyler groaned, sleepiness was lingering in his hushed voice. "What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock sharp" I echoed, "Do we have to go to school today?" I traced a unrecognisable shape onto Ty's bare chest, Tyler wasn't happy with my whining.

"Yes, don't be lazy come on" He shot out of bed, "Am I gonna have to walk to my place like this?" he stated as he looked down at his pyjamas bottoms and lack of shirt.

"No, I'll fetch you something to wear okay"

"I don't trust your fashion sense"

"Wha? Is that an insult Joseph?" I teased raising an eyebrow.

"I wont wear it if I don't like it"

"Looks like you're going to school naked then. I mean I personally wouldn't mind-"



"You know I feel bad about my body don't tease me, not about that" Tyler shrugged and threw his hoodie on, masking his skin underneath.

"I could tell you about how much I love your body but we'd be late to school"

"Honestly, Josh shut up and find me some clothes okay"

"I love your dark eyes, your dark hair, I love how they work together. I love your chubby cheeks, and the smile you think you're forcing but I know its real, I know you want to smile-"

"Joshua" I gulped. It felt weird when Tyler called me that.

"Okay, okay!" I threw my hands into the air, "I'll look now"

I sorted through the sea of colour that was my wardrobe to find the singular black item of clothing that I owned.

"Here, this is plain enough"

"I came in a black hoodie Josh can't I just wear that?"

"This one is different, look" I pointed to the embroidery on the hoodie's front.

"I am not wearing this Josh" he whined in discomfort.

"Why not, its just a black hoodie?"

"You know why" he pointed to the lettering that spelt out my name.

"You still owe me one from that basketball game, wear this and these shorts"

"Jean shorts?"

"Jean shorts"



"I think he's busy Josh" I said as I peered into Eddy's room, Brendon was sat alone at a desk.

"How so?" Josh enquired as he peered into the small window on the door. "Oh" he squeaked, "I'm sure we can still go in"

"I mean do you want to go in?" Josh shrugged lightly, I knew he wouldn't have the will power to say no.

"Its okay you know, if you don't want to" I rubbed the small of his back in effort to comfort him.

"No, I don't want it do be a thing anyway its okay I don't care"

"I mean you do but-"

Eddy cut off our conversation, I had previously been leaning on the door. But since Eddy opened it I found myself awkwardly stumbling towards the floor. Josh sniggered alongside him.

"I've been watching you squabbling just come inside" Me and Josh both faked a small smile and made our way to the back of the classroom. "Its not like you two to sit at the back of the room, do I sense a bit of tension?"

I nodded harshly so that Eddy would realise not to go there. "Oh well we cant be having that, come, join us"

"Sir" I snapped.


"Don't make us do that please"

"I've let you sit in my room for years on end, just do this one favour for me Tyler"

"Tyler its okay" Josh nudged me and pulled me forwards.

We sat on the desk that was adjacent to Brendon's but he didn't even look up, he was still nestling his head in his arms.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Eddy sighed, he obviously wanted to be here as much as we all did.

"No but I suppose we're going to have to" Josh kicked me from under the table.

"Sssh he's only doing his job" I kicked back.

"Is this like counselling now?"

I started to rummage in my backpack, Kelly had made us both lunch. She left a little note on the tub. "I'm glad you had a nice night. hope you didn't do anything I wouldn't do xx" I crumpled it up and aimed it at the bin. Impressively Brewerton caught it before it had the chance to reach its final destination.

"What's this then?" from the reddish hue spreading on my face he knew that the note would be something to break the silence and cause conversation to begin. Brendon's heard jerked up when he heard the note.

"What did you two fags do last night then?" he mumbled lowly, but Eddy still heard.

"If you're going to continue to be negative, your just going to have to come to counselling more often Urie"

"What did you two boys do last night then?" he coughed. Brendon's eyes were still being weighed down by a lack of sleep. It worried me. I hated Brendon, but he was still a living breathing human.

"Yeah what did you do?" Eddy scooted his chair over to the front row of desks.

"I just slept at Josh's, that's all"

"That's all?" Eddy squealed, "That's more then I've ever done with anyone"

"Well he couldn't sleep so" water started to present itself in Eddy's eyes.

"Stop. I wish I had a friend like that"

"Friend?" Brendon snapped, "I think that's more than friends"

"Oh you're just jealous" Josh said, leaving his veil of silence, "You're jealous that Ty likes me"

"Don't get too heated" Eddy retorted, trying to fake a stern tone. He was secretly loving it.

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