Chapter 2: The notebook

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"Well that's all for today and be sure to remember that it's freshman, junior and senior day tomorrow." Ms. Song said as she dismissed the class

"Um.... Mr. Song but what is freshman and junior day?" a boy with a cute face asked.

"Ahhhhh, yes Minhyuk, thank you for asking. Freshman, junior and senior day is a day where you will be assigned to a junior and a senior. Then you will be with them the whole entire day." answered Ms. Song

"Is there, by any chance, that I will get a guy? Like a guy junior or senior??" Chaeyoung, Dahyun's first and only friend asked.

A/N: Chaeyoung is Dahyun's best friend cause they only knew each other and has alot in common.

"Yes, you might because we want everyone to get along," Ms. Song replied "Well, no more questions for now!! Ask me after school." Ms. Song told the class and left the classroom.

Dahyun waved good bye to Chaeyoung and headed the opposite direction.

Dahyun wanted to meet up with her brother after school to ask him about freshman and junior day, so she headed towards his classroom. But as she walked pass classroom 9E, she saw every student come out of the classroom. Dahyun looked around then she saw two people, a student and a teacher, in the classroom so she peeked though and listened to their conversation.

"Taehyung, this is not good enough!! You use to be such a great student. What happened??" asked Mr. Hong.

Taehyung just stood there in silent then a few seconds replied, "She left me. Now what's the point of trying?" Mr. Hong looked at Taehyung and answered, "Even though she's not here doesn't mean she doesn't want you to become what you wanted to become as a kid, an idol." Mr. Hong trying Taehyung cheer him up.

"Thank you, sir" as Taehyung left his classroom. "Hey Taehyung, tomorrow is freshman, junior and senior day. You should be excited!" shouted Mr. Hong "No thank you." Taehyung replied as he walked away, leaving sadness, anger and guilt all behind and going back to the old him, the brave, unfearful and combat Taehyung. He walked away not knowing he dropped his notebook.


Dahyun walked over and picked it up in curiosity, without knowing, she read it out loud. "I never expected someone like her to come up and tell me to stop. It's the first, and she is not just any kind of girl but –" as Dahyun was reading her brother Jackson comes up to her and asks, "Why the heck are you reading that???? Give it to me!!" and then he grabs Taehyung's notebook off of Dahyun.

Dahyun tries to grab it off Jacksonbut she was too late, Jacksonread it all then with a sigh and says, "So that's what happening to that kid," Jacksonlooked back at Dahyun and asks "How did you get Taehyung's notebook anyways?? Did you stalk him or do you like him??" Jacksonsmirked at Dahyun. "hue hue hue hue...."

"STOP!!!" shouted Dahyun as everyone looked at her, "Oops I'm sooo sorry" She said. then Dahyun whispered to Jackson, "Let's go now."

Jacksonand Dahyun walks back home but before they knew it, someone suddenly started following them.

To be continued......

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