Marriage Made In Heaven - Chapter 41

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This decision was not taken lightly. I have to protect you both as to lose you any other way would be the worse thing I could ever imagine.

The only way I can think of explaining it to you is like this... Everything god creates has a circle of life. A cat chases a mouse, it gets away but the cat always knows where it is by its scent. It lies in wait and watches, stalks or gives the illusion is has gone away only to pounce when the poor thing comes out of hiding. A dog hunts down a fox by its scent, chasing it down into its lair, eventually it digs the fox out with the rest of the hunting pack and they rip it and its family to pieces. A demon hunts a human by their scent. I am human and I am what the demons are hunting. They have my scent.

I cannot stay and put you both at risk, that would be selfish and dangerous. I'm like a scared mouse that cannot stay hidden forever and I will not become the fox leading all the danger to our home because someone will rip a hole in this realm and we know that will end in blood shed. I will not risk a single life when I can save so many just by being brave enough to write this letter and protect you all.

I release you Ethanual son of Raguel from any husbandly duty which would cause you harm. I forbid you to fall. I command you not to come after me but instead to stay strong for our son and help him grow into a wonderful Angel who I know will make us both proud. If you meet somebody you think would make a good mother and wife I will allow you to end our union without fear of consequence. That is not to say I don't love you because I do, I just don't want you to stop living because I have. Don't hide in the shadows like me Ethan, you are an angel and you must shine. Be the best angel you can, save and protect, love your life and be happy.

I love you both more than words could ever convey. Kiss our baby for me every night and tell him Mummy loves him. Help him to understand that I did not leave him, I left to protecting him and my biggest regret is not getting the chance to give him a kiss goodbye. I love my little boy so much that my soul is screaming at the thought of leaving him.

Ethan, you are my angel. I love you with ever fibre of my being. If I could released from your spell I would. You do not have to love me back. If you wish to hate me for the choice I make today I will accept that punishment as it is far easier to take than the thought of any harm coming to you or our baby.

My soul is upset at the choice I am making but understands that it is for the greater good. It has words it wishes to speak to your soul if only it knew how to communicate them to me but I am not that clever. I think it is saying 'Goodbye my love, this new journey is hard and the road unknown, I did not chose this path but it must be travelled. I do not wish to leave you. I wish we could both stay together but the fates have dealt another hand. Stay strong. I will see you again.'

Stay safe my angels. I will dream about you both every night and hold you close.

Your ever loving wife, Liberty daughter of Michael. Wife of Ethanuel. Mother of Daniel.

Millie wrote a letter to Zach with the same commands and her personal message.

We placed the letters on the bed. I held out my hand. I looked at Millie as she tried to be brave but at the same time we knew what we were giving up and there was no turning back. As the first tear fell from Millies cheek and fell towards the floor I transported us into a new life.

We landed in an unknown place just somewhere idyllic that Millie had pictured and ran as soon as we landed. There was no time to cry or mourn we had to run, leave a cold trail in case we were followed. Not by angels but by the thing we were protecting them from.

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