Lie or Tell?

451 18 48

Lisa's POV

My trail date is coming up soon and I've been counting the days and praying that the court's let me go. I thought confessing to kidnapping Leanne and putting her in danger would keep me safe and away from everybody, but it's actually made everything worst.

At first things were hard, but nothing I couldn't handle until the day Mia was arrested for drug possession and prostitution  and has made my life as miserable as possible since she got here and I thought things couldn't get any worst until the day Mary was brought here. I'm not sure what she was arrested for, but now things have gone from miserable to a nightmare once again only this time nobody is here to help me.

I do feel bad for what happened to Michael in the fire and I hate myself for telling him Leanne was inside, but I honestly never thought he'd run into a burning building to try and save her. I remeber when me and him were on one of our many vacations and I tripped and fell into the pool and Michael ran off to find a life gaurd and stood by the pool waiting while the guy helped me out instead of jumping in after me and seeing him run into that building after her really broke my heart and I thought I'd lost him, but luckily he survived.

I've been trying to contact Michael for a few months now and sending him visiting orders and he hasn't replied to any until today and has finally agreed to see me.

"I don't know why your bothering" Mia scoffs as I'm about to apply some make up to cover up my many cuts and bruises thanks to Mia and Mary.

"I've told you over an over again how sorry I am and..."

"Sorry isn't going to change shit though is it!?" She snaps  "I can't believe your still deluding yourself into thinking Michael still wants you" she laughs sarcastically. "He's coming to see me isn't he?" I turn and say with a slight attitude and quickly regret it as she walks closer to me. "The guy ran into a burning building and tried to blow himself up to get away from you. Take the hint" she scoffs "an i'll be taking this" she smirks walking over to me and taking my make-up. "You can't..."

"Time to go" a gaurd says coldly cutting me off "she just..."

"Don't care" he shrugs and Mia smirks as the guard leads me away.

As much as I've been waiting to see Michael, I really didn't want him seeing me in this sate.

I get into the room and Michael is already at the table waiting for me.

"Hi" I mumble timidly "hi" he mumbles back "how've you been?"

"Fine" he mumbles "thing's have been pretty tough for me too" I say softly seeing that he's clearly not 'fine' "thing's we ok at first, but now Mary an Mia's in here. Well you can see by my bruises what they..."

"Leanne's fine too in case you were wondering" he cuts me off "Why did you do it?" He asks shaking his head. "Because I love you and I knew you were to soft hearted to just break up with her so I thought if..."

"So you thought you'd try an kill us!?" He snaps "I didn't know you'd run back inside" I shake my head "but you knew Leanne was in there... she could have died because of you and you don't even care do you?" he frowns. "I'm sorry for what I did" I mumble "Why would you try and take her away from me?" He croak, getting upset. "Because I love you and I thought with her gone then we could be free and be happy again and.. "

"But I told you I don't want you and I don't love you any more... Over and over again. I love Leanne and she..."

"She's a child, Michael and you barley know her"

"She's 17"

"She's still not a real woman. Not yet anyway. Not like me"

"She's more woman than you could ever be and she make me happier than you ever could" he frowns and I sigh slightly "Michael, just because she makes you feel good during sex doesn't mean you love her or she loves you back. It's just passion and that's it and..."

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