QE: 5

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"What happened!?" Diane yelled as soon as she entered the queen's room.

She gasped when she saw Elizabeth on her bed, unconscious and was having a hard time breathing. 

One by one, they entered the room. Only to be worried as hell for their queen.

Merlin was the last one to enter, even she was surprised of the queen's condition.

"Meliodas, what the hell happened here?" She asked, her head turned towards the door. Meliodas was there standing, his head was down and his bangs bangs covered his eyes. He was biting his lip, a habit when he was worried

"I don't know, she just-- fainted!" Meliodas answered, frustrated.

Merlin sighed, "I'll try to see what happened to her, but i'll need all of you to leave the room for a while." She stated staring intently at Meliodas. Meliodas understood, nodding. e left the room first and the others went after him.

Silence filled the room when everyone left, everyone was quiet outside the room too. The tension in the air of awaiting to hear about their queen's well being.

Inside, Merlin took Elizabeth's dress off, her bottom half was covered by her blankets. She moved her arm, where her arm got cut yesterday. Merlin''s eyes went wide when she saw Black lines all over her arm. 

She touched them, It wasn't contagious. But when she pressed it a little, a scream of pain came out of Elizabeth's mouth. It was pretty loud, It was heard from outside the room. Where everyone heard, Meliodas was about to move and go to inside, But Diane and King stood in front of the door.

"Meliodas~" Ban stated as a warning, Meliodas sighed and leaned on the wall again.

Merlin guessed that Elizabeth was poisoned with the blade that she was cut with, but she didn't know how to cure her. This was new to her, the veins and the amount of pain when you touch it. It was new, she did not encounter it yet.

Merlin checked her temperature, Elizabeth was burning up. Also her breathing was hoarse. It meant they had to do something to cure her fast. But the mage of the Kingdom doesn't know what to do.

Merlin covered Elizabeth's body with her blanket, but not her arm that was infected with some kind of poison.

Merlin continued to observe Elizabeth's reactions to her small pokes on her arm. Merlin poked her arm two times, she screamed again. Making Meliodas wanting to shove the two away from the door.

"If this continues, she might.." Merlin couldn't even say it. She looked at Elizabeth, "I guess I have to try." Merlin herself put on Elizabeth's dress for her before she could try a healing spell.

Merlin stood up properly next to Elizabeth, she put her right arm up, below Elizabeth's arm and a white circle appeared over Merlin's arm. "From the heavens I ask, A strong healing power. For this lovely goddess is in grave danger. " 

A white beam slowly poured down on Elizabeth, Merlin watched her arm as the lines were slowly disappearing. She smirked in victory, But when the lines came back, Elizabeth started screaming in pain again, and Merlin stopped the spell and immediately checked Elizabeth's chest. 

The lines spread slowly to her shoulder. Elizabeth's screams were still audible. It was a sign that she was in pain, also a sign for Merlin not to even sleep a night just to do research.

It wasn't long until the door busted open, Meliodas was at the door. King and Ban looked tired from maybe doing something from stopping Meliodas from entering but they eventually failed. 

Meliodas quickly went to Elizabeth as she screamed. Meliodas held her hand tightly. "What happened?" he asked Merlin in a serious voice.

"Our queen seems to be poisoned, and even a spell from the heavens couldn't heal her. But it only worsened and pained her a lot more." Merlin sighed in frustration, leaning on the huge windows. 

"how did this even happen?" Diane asked, "I believe it was when the queen got cut with that blade yesterday. It only seemed like a normal scratch but it was actually poisoned and had enough power to make a Goddess unconscious." Merlin answered, Which may have triggered Meliodas.

"Diane, King, where did you send those people who attacked the queen?" Meliodas asked, obviously infuriated. 

"We set them free to a far dessert." King answered. Before Meliodas could even say anything, Merlin spoke.

"Meliodas, You had better not look for them. What you need to do is to watch over the Kingdom while the queen is unavailable. You know your duties and what you're supposed to do at times like this, am I right?" Merlin asked, Meliodas looked at her in the eye. 

"Alright" he sighed, trying to calm down. "I'll keep the towns people occupied while King and Diane, you continue to do your Job. Ban, you're with me." Meliodas ordered, everyone nodded.

"I'll go search for cures." Merlin stated and left the room immediately to her own office. As for the others, they went off. But before Meliodas left the room, he went near the queen. He held her hand, "Please stay strong My Lady." 


Who's still reading this honestly xD

But hi if YOU are xD

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