QE: 14

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"Excuse me, what?" Meliodas asked, stepping forward. Merlin looked like she didn't want to tell Meliodas about that.

"There are some things that we have to do to be able to cure the queen, and these things aren't as normal." Merlin explained. 

"We need to weaken her." Merlin stated, silence came after. "But isn't she weak already?" Diane asked, Merlin nodded.

"Yes, she is, but she needs to be weaker.", "But she'll die!" King spoke up, Merlin looked at him. "That's the risk."

"To cure her, we need to almost kill her. We are going inside the queen's consciousness. We need to look for her in there, and we need to stab five parts of her body." Merlin explained, again. She then averted her eyes to Meliodas.

"Are you mentally ready for this?" 

"What? Why shouldn't I be?" Meliodas asked, Everyone sighed. "Meliodas, Do you want things to be straight up told towards you, or you learn it by yourself?" Ban asked, getting a little pissed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but okay." Meliodas shrugged, Merlin just held the bridge of her nose in frustration. 

"We have to do this tomorrow at noon, so everyone better rest. We have a big day tomorrow." Merlin clasped her hands together, everyone nodded. "I'll prepare dinner" Ban left the room first, not wanting to hear anything else. Mainly because of what's happening to the queen and what's going to happen to them the next day.

However, Ban didn't feel good thinking about what was going to happen next. So did the others. They didn't exactly know what was going to happen, they were a little scared. 

Ban cooked dinner, but not with the same enthusiasm that he always did when he would cook for the queen. 

"Dinner's ready~" Ban stated, Diane helped him fix the plates and the food. Everybody ate in silence. It was usually a little chatty when Elizabeth was there, but then again, their queen wasn't with them.

She was in her room, suffering and none of them could do anything about it unless they wait until noon tomorrow.

The next day came by very fast. It was already 11:45 and everybody was in Elizabeth's room. Each already had a dagger in hand, for some reason, the daggers were differently colored. Merlin gave them and no one asked questions, after hearing her explanations yesterday, they didn't want to know.

"So, what do we do now." King exhaled, he was the only one who talked in the span of time that they were in the room.

"We surround her." Everybody did what she was saying, everybody surrounded Elizabeth. Meliodas at the head, Merlin and Ban on both arms and King and Diane on both legs.

Merlin started to cast spell on the room and to everyone, one by one. The spell took a long time which made them wait until 12. 

"Then we do this." Merlin stabbed Elizabeth on her left arm. Elizabeth screamed, Merlin made an expression meaning she didn't like the sound. 

Merlin looked at Ban, Ban inhaled and stabbed the right arm. Elizabeth screamed again, even louder.

King and Diane stabbed both Elizabeth's legs. Elizabeth's screaming was not a pleasant sound to any of them. 

The last person to stab Elizabeth was Meliodas, but he didn't move. "Do it." Merlin ordered, but Meliodas did nothing. he simply looked down. Meliodas looked up, and for the very first time, everyone saw Meliodas' eyes in fear. 

His eyes showed emotions that he would never show, but in that second, they saw it. Meliodas didn't want to stab Elizabeth. 

But he changed his mind when he saw the other's eyes and facial expressions. They were also in pain, they didn't want to hurt the queen. Though they knew this was the only way to save their queen. 

"For her, Meliodas." Merlin said in a softer tone than she used a little while ago. Meliodas deeply inhaled and raised the dagger. He then stabbed Elizabeth's head. 

She screamed.





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