QE: 24

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Red Carnations, being the bride's bouquet and the flowers that were all over the church. Elizabeth's wedding dress and Meliodas' suit, made by King himself. The two looked amazing. Diane as the maid of honor and Ban as the best man. King as a groomsman, along with Arthur. Merlin as a bridesmaid with Veronica and Margaret. 

"You may kiss the bride." As the priest said, Meliodas did kiss the bride. The kiss was surreal, it was  an amazing moment for Elizabeth and Meliodas. It wasn't like when Elizabeth was sick, it wasn't cold like before. It was warm and loving. 

After the wedding, there was a party held at the castle. Meliodas and Elizabeth changed their clothes and went out as an official married couple. 

The ballroom was filled with people, the whole kingdom even. That's just how huge the castle was. When Meliodas and Elizabeth were at the stairs, everybody cheered for them, Meliodas and Elizabeth smiled at everyone. 

Ban, with his specialty, Cooked food, and it was the biggest feast that he would ever do. Being the best man and all that, he managed to succeed at both. Merlin on the other hand used her magic to cast a spell on the entrances and around the castle for everyone to be protected. 

"Does this mean you're King now?" Ban asked, Meliodas looked at Elizabeth. "Yes, he is."

"After coronation." Meliodas chuckled, making Ban do the same. King came in the conversation, "Well, King Meliodas, how should I call you? King? then what would I be called?" 

Ban laughed, "Good one." 

Meliodas gave him a grin, "Still Meliodas, That'll be weird." Diane overheard their conversation, "Who's gonna be the royal adviser then?" 

"Still me. I've been one for years, multitasking is my main job." Meliodas chuckled, Elizabeth gave him a soft smile.

Someone tapped Elizabeth on her shoulder, Elizabeth turned her head to see Margaret and Veronica. They gave her heart warming smiles, "Congratulations, Little sis!" Veronica exclaimed.

"Father was right, leaving you here would make you find the right person." Margaret smiled at Elizabeth as she hugged her. "I missed the both of you so much." 

"I was scared that you wouldn't answer my letter for being in my wedding." Elizabeth let go, looking at the two. 

"Dear, we would never loose the opportunity to see our little sister get married with the one she loves." Margaret looked at Meliodas, Meliodas have her a grin. "How's everything with Gil?" he asked, Margaret giggled. "Very good, Meliodas. I'm sorry he was unable to be here." 

"It's okay--" Meliodas cut himself of when someone picked him up, he looked to see who it was, it was Gil. "Sorry i'm late, I managed to get here." Gil laughed, "Congratulations, Meliodas. To the both of you." 

"Thank you, Gil." Elizabeth gave Gil a smile. Gil put Meliodas down and went to Margaret. 

"Well, let's enjoy the night, ladies and gentlemen."  Meliodas announced and everyone agreed and cheered. 

Along the night, Meliodas and Elizabeth mingled with people. It made Meliodas believe that their Kingdom was something else. It was going to be ruled by a Goddess and a Demon, how extraordinary can their Kingdom get. What's more, the towns people accepted them and loved them. 

As they talked, they had time to rest and just talk to each other. Elizabeth looked at her ring and his, her's was a small Rose quartz gem in the middle, it was the same with Meliodas, but the ring was a little thicker. 

"Why Rose Quartz?" Elizabeth asked, Meliodas looked at Elizabeth in the eye. "you know what it means?" 

Elizabeth nodded, "Unconditional Love" 

"That's why. My love for you is unconditional, no limitations." Meliodas smiled at Elizabeth, she smiled back. "I love you, Meliodas." 

"and so do I." Meliodas tiptoed and pecked Elizabeth's lips. They continued mingling with others, it led them to separate because of the many people. Everybody was enjoying themselves.

"Having fun, my queen?" Meliodas asked, seeing as Elizabeth was sitting down. Elizabeth giggled, Meliodas rose his brow in confusion. "Just resting, and you don't have to call me that, Elizabeth is alright." 

Meliodas walked towards her, getting closer. "But, I cant." Inching his way to Elizabeth's face "and why is that?" Elizabeth giggled. 

"Because you are my Queen." With that, Meliodas kissed Elizabeth, longingly and soft. From that night on, Meliodas was soon to be Elizabeth's King. They were married and was going to rule over Liones for the years to come. 

This fairy tail ends with Liones' very own Queen Elizabeth with her King, Meliodas. 


The story has now ended. 

I'm sad about it, since I really liked this book even though it takes me thousands of years to finish it. :3

But I just want to thank everyone for supporting and reading this book, along with the votes and comments that make me really happy. 

I'm planning to edit this soon, since there are chapters where I got lazy and I need to fix them ;v; Also sorry if I have mistakes on the wedding part. I'm not married, (lolol bad joke xD) I'm not very familiar with it yet. 

Well, to the next book we go OuO

~Meow_Mix out :3

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