QE: 13

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I love the number 13 <3


Hearing the loud screams of pain of the queen, Meliodas couldn't take it. It was ringing in his head and he didn't like it.

Ban watched as his friend sat silently holding onto Elizabeth has she screamed and practically creaming Meliodas' hand. He didnt look like he was in pain because of that, he was in pain because he couldnt help Elizabeth. 

All he could do was give her her medicine and hope that Merlin would find a cure. Meliodas felt useless at the moment, he desperately needed the queen. Alive and well.

"Hey Meliodas," Ban stated, Meliodas looked at him. "Calm down." 

"We're all feeling useless right now~" Ban stood up and went to Elizabeth's window. "We wouldn't want the peaceful town to be disturbed, right?" Ban asked, Meliodas nodded. 

"You're right, but.." he looked at Elizabeth, being in pain. "We can help her when we know what to do. but at this moment.. we can't do anything." Ban sighed, going back to his seat next to Meliodas. 

Hours after hours, it was the same thing, Meliodas would give Elizabeth medicine and she'd scream in pain after. But her fever was starting to cool off, which was a good sign.

"She seems better now~" Ban smiled, taking his hand away from Elizabeth's head. Then she suddenly screamed. 

"Well, okay part of her condition." Ban sighed, Meliodas chuckled a little. "I hope most of her will get better." he looked at Elizabeth longingly. 

Ban held his shoulders, sighing. "We all do." 

Meliodas looked at the time, it was almost 5. They had literally been in the room for the whole day. "Oh, I almost forgot, I have to check the town if anyone need something." Meliodas stood up, still holding Elizabeth's hand. He didn't want to leave her. He didn't want to let go.

Meliodas took a deep breath and let go of Elizabeth, "I'll watch over her~" Ban stated, Meliodas nodded. he opened the door and he heard foot steps, rapid ones. Meliodas turned his head to where the foot steps were coming from. 

It was Merlin, with two books. She was walking rapidly towards the room, "No one leave the room!" she hollered, Meliodas rose his brow and went back in the room. 

When Merlin arrived, she was tired. After taking her breath, she looked at Meliodas "Where were you gonna go?" 

"I was supposed to go and check around the town." Meliodas explained, "Yeah, well you can't leave. Make a double of yourself to go and inspect the town. " Merlin ordered. Meliodas didn't object anything . he just did what was told. Merlin sounded serious.

Meliodas then made a clone of himself and sent the clone to the town. When the clone left, Meliodas turned to Merlin. "So?" 

"We need everyone in this room, I found something out." Merlin stated. Meliodas nodded and left the room and went to the hallway. He snapped his fingers, "All seeing orb."  a black orb appeared in thin air. 

"King and Diane." he whispered to it and the orb turned into a mirror like object that had demon claws around it. It showed King and Diane walking back to the Castle. He raised his pointing finger and middle finger and carefully wove it across the mirror.

"King, Diane." Meliodas stated. The tow stopped walking and looked around. 

"Meliodas?" Diane asked. "Yes, it's me." Meliodas responded. Diane turned her head, "Where?" 

"Are you using the all seeing orb?" King asked, Meliodas replied with a yes. "But you cant speak to anyone with that spell." King wondered, Meliodas smirked.

"I have my ways, I am a demon." 

King gave no one in particular a face, "So, what is it that you had to use the all seeing orb on us?" 

"Oh, yeah. I need the two of you here  as soon as possible. Merlin found something out, she seems serious about this so it must be important." Meliodas said, The two nodded. 

"We'll be there in 10 seconds." King stated. After him saying that, the mirror vanished, it disintegrated leaving a few sparkle-like things floating around.

A new mirror like portal opened up to Meliodas' right. King stepped out and so did Diane. Meliodas chuckled, "The portal." 

"Well, you did use a forbidden spell just to call us." King smirked, Meliodas just shook his head, chuckling.

"Will the tow of you stop showing off your spells?~" Ban called from the room, King and Meliodas laughed and went in. 

"Okay, so what is it?" Meliodas asked, Merlin took a deep breath, preparing to explain. 

"I found a book of Goddesses, and a book of spells and potions. It gave me the answers that all of us need. So, the bandits that attacked her, they weren't normal bandits. Those were a group of bandits that love to play with their potions and spells to either give lessons or just to make people suffer."

"They're called the Rose Bandits, meaning Beauty and Danger. It's for the potions they do, it's self explanatory. They have given our Queen a potion to make her suffer." Merlin paused, Seeing as Meliodas was silent. 

But she continued, "Even with her fever down, we still need to cure her." 

"We?" King asked, Merlin nodded. "Yes, we, The five of us." 

"The sickness that the potion had caused is of course not normal, but it is a critical health damage to Goddesses. It seems like the bandits knew she was a Goddess, but setting that aside. She has about a few days left. The poison that was mixed in the potion was.. well.." Merlin looked at Meliodas.

"Demon essence." Meliodas' attention went to Merlin, "what?"

"Demon essence, We know what that does to Goddesses." Merlin sighed, "It kills them slowly in their sleep. It was used as a peaceful death for the Goddesses that the Demons did to them before." Meliodas said, looking at the sleeping Elizabeth. 

"At this time, the poison if 50% in her system. I found a lot about this, and I know how to cure her. We are all needed. There's more than demon essence. There were some herbs that were added that affects her memories and her thinking, and cleansing these herbs would probably kill the person."

"Why would they do this to her.." Diane said, looking down at Elizabeth. "We're not sure, but we'll just have to cure her ourselves." 

"But to do it, we'll have to do many preparations and do things.." Merlin trailed off, sounding like she didn't like the thought of the 'things' that they were gonna do.

"And what are those 'things' that we're gonna do?~" Ban asked.

"Stab her." Merlin answered.


I am so sorry it's really late ;-;

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