QE: 8 [Diane]

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The bright light coming from Diane's window woke her up. Once sitting up, she saw herself infront of her mirror that was accross her bed.

Diane stood up and went to get ready to do her duties for the day. She didn't have the full motivation because the queen wasn't okay.

"I've failed her, and the kingdom." Diane told herself, after coming out of the bathroom she started to comb her hair.

She opened her drawer and found her pony tails, she stared at them. Her old ones that she wore years ago was just for display because of her new ones.

Diane smiled though, "she wouldn't stop until I wore them."

Before Diane was a part of the kingdom, she was one of the rare giants that roamed the forests and valleys. She stayed alive with a fairy.

Baltra told his knights to look for giants or giantess' around the valleys or forests to protect them. Since they were rare, Baltra wanted to protect that giants that were left and to befriend them.

On one occation, Elizabeth went with them when she was about 5 years old at the time.

While Elizabeth was alone, she went running around by herself. Upon running around, she found a brown haired giantess. She was sitting on the grass, looking at the sky.

King was out looking for food for the two of them and Diane decided to stay behind.

Elizabeth practically found herself a giantess, the ones her father was looking for.

While Elizabeth was astonished of Diane's size, she didnt realize that Diane had spotted her.

"A human!" Diane exclaimed, elizabeth screamed and went running back to the tents where most of Baltra's men were.

Elizabeth came back panting, One of the men asked her what was wrong. Elizabeth just pointed at the direction where Diane was.

Baltra and his men went to the said direction and really did find a giant. Diane stared at the humans, she didnt know how to respond. It was the first time she encountered humans.

"Hello!" Baltra said in a loud voice with a smile, Diane stared at him. She found Baltra nice because of his welcoming smile. She also saw Elizabeth hiding behind Baltra.

At first sight, diane disliked Elizabeth because of her looks and it even got worse when Baltra asked Diane to come with them.

"No." Diane stated, "but we must have you to come with us. You look like you need a proper home." Baltra tried to reason with the about 7-8 year old giant. Diane knew she and her friend needed a proper place to stay.

"No, didnt you hear me the first time?" Diane's temper got the better of her though, she stood up and made her goblins come out from the ground.

"Men." Baltra ordered, a few flying needles went flying at Diane and she got knocked out.

Everybody helped each other to carry the little giantess back to the kingdom. Elizabeth couldnt help but to stay near her, she felt bad that somehow, the giant that she just met didn't like her.

Well, they just met. maybe they'll get to know each other and be friends.

Well, it never happened. When Diane was at the castle, they didnt communicate. Diane didnt want to talk to anyone because she as separated with her bestfriend that she left in the forest.

Diane hated Elizabeth for that, she thought that Elizabeth was the cause of why They were separated, she thought that Elizabeth wanted them to be apart.

Elizabeth would try to talk to her, but Diane just doesnt talk. They knew each other's names, but that was it. They didn't even look at each other.

Diane would glare at the girl. Elizabeth tried nevertheless.

When it was Elizabeth's 8th birthday, Diane didnt greet her, ot anything. Elizabeth was even wearing a pretty dress and had her hair up.

She had numerous gifts, she even had the liberty to get anything she wanted. But instead of buying herself a gift, she bought the giantess something.

"Diane!" She called out, Diane was hanging out outside the castle, she didnt want to communicate with anyone, it as the 2nd party Elizabeth had invited her.

Diane just looked at Elizabeth, Elizabeth had a box in hand.

"What's this?" Diane asked, Elizabeth smiled, "open it!"

Diane opened it and there were small hair ties and a huge pair of hair ties that had a few diamonds on them.

"I saw your hair up once when you were doing something here in the garden and thought you were pretty with your pigtails, so I bought you some!" Elizabeth gave her a big smile.

"Isnt this supposed to be for you? It's your birthday." Diane wondered, "yeah well.. "Elizabeth then trailed off, not knowing what to tell her.

"It's your birthday, okay? Why'd you by me something when it's supposed to be for you. It's your way of making us friends, isnt it? It isnt gonna work." Diane said in a harsh tone.

Elizabeth just looked up at her, even though she had a few tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry if it upset you that I gave you this. But really, it's just for you. I just wanted to be friends ever since you came here but you wouldnt talk to me." Elizabeth explained.

"I know I cant replace your friend from the forest, but I actually want to be friends with you and have fun memories, i'm sorry." Elizabeth apologized, turning around and walking back inside.

"h-hey.." Diane called, Elizabeth stopped walking.


Ever since that night, they would finally say hi to each other and tell stories and have adventures with Ban included.

But there were times where Elizabeth disappeared to go somewhere important, but Diane waited for her to come back to play and have fun with her.

Years past, Diane Recieved pills to make her regular sized, her huge hair ties didnt fit her anymore. But Elizabeth also gave her normal sized ones.

With Diane's new size, she had her own room and was like another sister to Elizabeth.

Diane also grew to wanting to protect Elizabeth, she wanted to protect her little sister. She knew she was gonna be queen, and her goal was to be part of the protection unit once she was queen.

A surprise Happened though, Elizabeth found Diane's friend, the fairy she kept talking about, the boy named King, but his real name was Harlequin.

"Thank you so much Elizabeth!" Diane hugged her once she heard what Elizabeth did. She asked the knights to look for the fairy.

On Diane's 15th birthday, Elizabeth knew the hair ties that Elizabeth gave years ago were getting worn out, so, Elizabeth bought her more.

It was how their friendship started, they cherished it. Diane did mostly.

Diane sighed, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"I cant go out with them." Diane told herself, leaving her hair down.

"It's a disappointment."

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